15. 针锋相对 视频详见>>

Were you any good at being a sniper?
Booth: A sniper gets to know a little something about killers. Senator Bethlehem he’s no killer.
Bones: Oh and Oliver Lauriea is?
哦,那Oliver Lauriea就是凶手了?
Booth: The way I read Lauriea, he’s unhinged. That makes him dangerous.
Bones: That would be your gut telling you that, correct?
Booth: You know homicides. They are not solved by scientists. They’re solved by guys like me asking a thousand questions a thousand times. Catching people telling lies every time. You’re great at what you do Bones but you don’t solve murders. Cops do.
Bones: Cleo Eller was killed on a cement floor sprinkled with diatomaceous earth. Traces of her blood will still be in that cement. One of us is wrong. Maybe both of us. But if Bethlehem wasn’t a Senator you would be right there in his basement looking for that killing floor. You’re afraid of him. Your hypothesis is that squints don’t solve murders and Cops do. Prove it. Be a cop.
Cleo Eller是在水泥地上被杀害的,地上缀有泥藻。她的鲜血还是会在那片水泥地上留下痕迹。我们俩肯定有一个是错的。说不定两个人都错了。但如果 Bethlehem不是什么议员,你早就去他地窖里找那块案发现场的地面了。你还是对他心有余悸。既然你假设眯眼科学家破不了案子,而警察有这能耐,那就证明给我看啊,做你警察的本分去。(哗,最后一句真是太帅~戳中死穴)

gut 在俚语中表示一个人内在的情绪反应  短语详细解释点此进入>>