• 2019英语专八翻译提升技巧

    八级考试时间为3月23日,想要提高专八翻译人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造的)私家花园。 英文的结构搭成:It includes not only the large gardens _________ but also the private gardens __________. 第一个空格翻译:为皇室成员享乐而建造的 “享乐”很多同学一下子想不出翻译方法,其实享乐大不了就用have fun。 于是:the large gardens which are built for royal family to have fun 第二个空格翻译:学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造的 “摆脱嘈杂的外部世界”也使得很多同学为难,其实大不了就用get rid of the noise from the outside world。 the private gardens which are built for scholars, merchants and retired government workers to get rid of the noise from

  • 专八翻译英译汉:中国文学

    专八翻译对很多人来讲都是一个难啃的骨头,不仅中英语言上的差距给翻译造成了困难,文化的差异也会影响翻译的效果,小编为大家带专八翻译对很多人来讲都是一个难啃的骨头,不仅中英语言上的差距给翻译造成了困难,文化的差异也会影响翻译来了专八翻译的练习题,一起来练练手吧。 原文: Long before the emergence of the written word, ballads, accompanied by music and dance,and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular. chinese literature finds its origins in these traditions.



  • 专八翻译英译汉:追忆往事

    练手吧。 原文: The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden, and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she had brought years before from italy, when she was first married. she and her husband had been travelling back in their carriage from rome ( it was before the time of railways ) and on a bad piece of road south of siena they had broken down, and had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the road-side. the accommodation was wretched of course; she had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. she could still, after all these years, remember the blue mountains with the bright moon above them, and how a far-off town on one of the peaks had gradually grown whiter and whiter, till the moon faded, the mountains were touched with the pink of the rising sun, and suddenly the town was lit as by an illumination, one window after another catching and reflecting the sun’s beam, till at last the whole little city twinkled and sparkled up in the sky like a nest of stars。 译文: 老太太总以自家花园里那棵高大的玫瑰树为荣。她非常喜欢告诉别人,数年前她初次结婚时从罗马带回来的枝条,是如何长成如今这般高大的。那时,她与丈夫乘马车从罗马旅行归来(那时还没有火车),途经锡耶那南部的崎岖路段时,马车坏了,他们被迫就宿于路边的小屋里。住宿条件当然非常差;她一夜未能安眠,一早便起身穿好衣服,立于窗前,感专八翻译对很多人来讲都是一个难啃的骨头,不仅中英语言上的差距给翻译造成了困难,文化的差异也会影响翻译受着扑面而来的席席凉风,等待着黎明的到来。事隔多年,她仍然记得那情景。明月高悬在青山群峦之上。远处山峰上的小镇逐渐明亮起来,月亮慢慢消退,晨曦把群山涂得粉红。突然之间,一束阳光照亮了城镇。城里的窗户相继明亮起来,反射出耀眼的光芒。最后,整个小城宛若繁星,在天空中不停闪烁。 大家觉得自己翻译得怎么样呢?在翻译的过程中一定要懂得灵活变通,不要生搬硬套,强行直译,那样的效果肯定会不尽人意的。 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里?哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点↓讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力!



  • 专八翻译英译汉:成为圣者的秘诀

    练手吧。  Once upon a time there lived in a country a do-gooder. the king was very appreciative of his deeds and decided to honour him as a saint by a the saint's eightieth birthday, the king was invited to his birthday celerbration. he brought with him a painter so as to do a picture of the kindly saint as a paragon for his the feast is over all the guests were asked to have a look at the picture. to their great surprise, when the picture was shown, what they saw was not a kind but a ruthless and cruel look. the king was very angry at seeing this and ordered his men to beat the hearing the noise, the saint rushed to the scene to have a look at the picture. after viewing it, the saint knelt down and said, "your majesty, the person in the picture is none other than me." why?" said the king, dumbfounded. "this has been the very person whom i have never wanted to be." In this world, there are no naturally born saints; only those who can do self-criticism and sel-examination, can become saints. 从前,在一个国家里,有一位做了无数善事的善心者。国王非常欣赏他的善举,便封他为圣者。有一天,圣者过八十大寿,国王前来庆贺,特别带来一位画家,想通过画家的笔,将这位圣者慈祥的容貌画下来,作为世人的典范。用完晚餐之后,众多的嘉宾前来观赏这幅慈爱的画。肖像画家将这幅画像拿出来的时候,所有人大吃一惊。因为画里的人根本没有慈善的面貌,反而充满暴戾,粗野,邪恶的气息。国王一看,生气地要人把画家拖出去鞭打。这时,圣者听到惊专八翻译对很多人来讲都是一个难啃的骨头,不仅中英语言上的差距给翻译造成了困难,文化的差异也会影响翻译呼声,跑了过来,他看到这幅画后,跪倒在地:“国王,这画里的人,才是真实的我啊。”国王惊诧地问:“为什么?”圣者道:“这就是我一生挣扎着,不想去做的那个人啊。” 大家觉得自己翻译得怎么样呢?在翻译的过程中一定要懂得灵活变通,不要生搬硬套,强行直译,那样的效果肯定会不尽人意的。  



  • 专八翻译英译汉:成就的里程碑

    完了托马斯*卡莱尔的著作。如果我没记错的话,关于腓特列大帝的笔记他记了整整十本。“什么?”这个年轻人惊恐地叫道:“没有卡莱尔的书可读了?那我只能看看日报了?” 最有名的例子是亚历山大,他专八翻译对很多人来讲都是一个难啃的骨头,不仅中英语言上的差距给翻译造成了困难,文化的差异也会影响翻译因为已没有国家供他征服而号啕大哭。 当吉本完成《罗马帝国衰亡史》,也只不过高兴了一时,然后带着清醒而又抑郁的心情,他向往日的劳动成果挥手作别。 大家觉得自己翻译得怎么样呢?在翻译的过程中一定要懂得灵活变通,不要生搬硬套,强行直译,那样的效果肯定会不尽人意的。 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里?哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点↓讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力!



  • 专八翻译汉译英:中华民族的根性

    专八翻译对很多人来讲都是一个难啃的骨头,不仅中英语言上的差距给翻译造成了困难,文化的差异也会影响翻译的效果,小编为大家带来了专八翻译的练习题,一起来练练手吧。 中国民族自古以来从不把人看作高于一切,在哲学文艺方专八翻译对很多人来讲都是一个难啃的骨头,不仅中英语言上的差距给翻译造成了困难,文化的差异也会影响翻译面的表现都反映出人在自然界中与万物占着一个比例较为恰当的地位,而非绝对统治万物的主宰。因此我们的苦闷,基本上比西方人为少为小;因为苦闷的强弱原是随欲望与野心的大小而转移的。农业社会的人比工业社会的人享受差得多;因此欲望也小得多。况中国古代素来以不滞于物,不为物役为最主要的人生哲学。并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫利哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。中国民族多数是性情中正和平、淡泊、朴实、比西方人容易满足。 Chinese people has never thought of human being as the highest creature among everything since ancient times, whose reflection takes a quite approporate proportion with all others in our natural world in both aspects of philosophy and arts, but not as an absolute dominant ruler. Therefore, our bitterness and depression are basically less than those of westerners, because the intensity of which is growing with the expansion of one‘s desire and ambition. People in the agriculture society enjoyed far less than people in the industry society, thus their wants are far less either. Besides, ancient Chinese always regard "not confined by material, not driven by material" as the major philosophy. It not means we do not have misers, but in comparison with Mauriat and Balzac’s miser and aspirant, that is dwarfed. Chinese people almost characterized by moderation, peacefulness, insecular, plainess, and easier to get satisfied than westerners. 大家觉得自己翻译得怎么样呢?在翻译的过程中一定要懂得灵活变通,要学会结合语境,寻找适合英语语言的表达。 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里,哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点!讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力! 本内容为沪江英语整理,转载请注明出处。



  • 专八翻译英译汉:探讨死亡

    成了一幅奇异的画面:不知疲倦,勇于冒险的先锋。的确,我们永远不会达到目标,甚至目的地根本就不存在;即使活上几百年,被赋予神的力量,我们最终也不能接近目标多少。啊辛劳的双手! 啊,不知疲倦的双脚,一直不停地奔走,却不知要到何方。不久,你便会发现,你必须登上某些显著的山头,然专八翻译对很多人来讲都是一个难啃的骨头,不仅中英语言上的差距给翻译造成了困难,文化的差异也会影响翻译而在不远处,在夕阳的照耀下,你会看到黄金国的尖顶。身处于幸福之中,你却没有觉察:旅行远比抵达要充满乐趣,真正的成功就在于奋斗。 大家觉得自己翻译得怎么样呢?在翻译的过程中一定要懂得灵活变通,要学会结合语境,寻找适合英语语言的表达。 备考课程推荐: 一个人埋头苦学,却不知道考点在哪里,哪些知识点必须掌握? 你需要老师的指点!讲解题思路,练专项技能,稳步提升过级实力! 本内容为沪江英语整理,转载请注明出处。



  • 专八翻译:形容词翻译的六个小技巧


  • 专八翻译:词汇翻译技巧


  • 专八翻译:句子的译法
