• 《神探夏洛克》圣诞特辑2015年回归

    先在Twitter上发了一张圣诞特辑剧本照片,“这就是我今天在做的事情!以后夏洛克和华生将会出现在《神探夏洛克》特辑中神探夏洛克出现#221back#。[/cn] [en]The special is set to start production in January 2015 and will then air in the UK sometime within the year. No announcement has been made of when the special will make it to the US, but "Sherlock" is coming. [/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》圣诞特辑的制作工作将会在2015年1月开始,并在2015年在英国开播。目前暂无消息显示何时会在美国开播。[/cn]

  • 《神探夏洛克》第三季1分钟全新预告


  • 《神探夏洛克》成牛津字典例句

    录到字典里,作为“ship”新释义的例句。[/cn] [en]Any fan of the show is unlikely to be surprised by this, since dedicated "Sherlock" fans ship Sherlock and Watson, Sherlock and Molly, Sherlock and Moriarty. Which one did Oxford pick for the dictionary? As "Sherlock" co-star Louise Brealey points out, it's the Sherlock-Molly pairing: [/en][cn]看剧的小伙伴们对这个新释义应该不会陌生,因为网络上到处都是希望Sherlock和Watson在一起、Sherlock和Molly在一起,还有Sherlock和Moriaty在一起的粉丝们。三大粉丝党哪一个才神探夏洛克会被牛津字典挑中呢?据剧中演员Louise Brealey,是Sherlock-Molly党:[/cn] [en] 'Ship' (to want someone to fall in love) is now in the Oxford English Dictionary. The example given? 'I'll always ship Sherlock and Molly.' -- Louise Brealey (@louisebrealey) May 20, 2014 [/en][cn]ship(想让谁堕入爱河)现在被收录在牛津英语字典里了。例句是?“我一直想让Sherlock和Molly在一起。” ——Louise Brealey(@louisebrealey)2014年5月20日[/cn]

  • 《神探夏洛克》卷福曾经拒绝此角色

    [en]While literally dozens of actors have played the role of Sherlock Holmes it is now hard to imagine anyone but Benedict Cumberbatch portraying the super [w]sleuth[/w] in Sherlock, the subject of this week’s Entertainment Weekly cover story. But Cumberbatch thought twice when Sherlock cocreators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss originally offered him the part which, over the past few years, has propelled him from relatively unknown character actor to global star.[/en][cn]已经有很多演员演绎过夏洛克·福尔摩斯这个角色了,可是现在一说这个角色很多人第一个想起来的就是Benedict Cumberbatch在《神探夏洛克》中扮演的那个侦探。《神探夏洛克》也登上了本周《娱乐周刊》的封面故事。可是其实Cumberbatch曾经2次拒绝该剧制片人Steven Morffat和Mark Gatiss对于这个角色的邀请,凭借这个角色Cumberbatch从一个默默无闻的演员一跃成为现在全球知名的影星。[/cn] [en]“My reservation was ‘Well, this is a very iconic character, there will be a lot of attention on it,’” says Cumberbatch. “This was before I had had any significant success [but] I knew there would still be a lot of focus on it. And while I had done work, it wasn’t stepping into the populist limelight like playing a character like Holmes. So I did have a pause for thought.”[/en][cn]“我当时收到的邀请是‘有一个经典角色,会受到很大关注,’”Cumberbatch说。“这是在我获得任何有大影响的成功演出之前,但是我知道这个角色一定会吸引很大的关注。然后我做了很多功课,我要做的是扮演一个和大众想象的福尔摩斯不一样的福尔摩斯。所

  • 《神探夏洛克》花生出演《理查三世》

    会在5、6月份进行排练筹备,目前还没有宣布将会演多少场。[/cn] [en]This will be yet another activity in an extremely busy couple of years for the actor. In addition to playing John Watson on "Sherlock," Freeman is Bilbo Baggins in the "Hobbit" series of movies and has a lead role in the upcoming FX series, "Fargo."[/en][cn]除了这部戏剧,Martin Freeman最近一两年其实是非常忙碌的,他除了要出演《神探夏洛克》中的John Watson,还在《霍比特人》里演了Bilbo Baggins,而且还会在FX美剧《Fargo》中做男主角。[/cn] [en]But Shakespeare is in the air for "Sherlock" actors -- co-star Benedict Cumberbatch is set to star in "Hamlet" in London during the summer of 2015. [/en][cn]不过参演莎士比亚戏剧的可神探夏洛克不只他一个——《神探夏洛克》另一位男主演Benedict Cumberbatch也将会主演另一部莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》,预计这部戏剧将会在2015年夏季登场。[/cn]

  • 《神探夏洛克》第四季有望圣诞就回归

    看了昨晚播出的《神探夏洛克》第三季最后一集,该剧集留给了观众一个悬念。[/cn] [en]The series began with the New Year's Day special after a two year wait, and was criticised in some quarters for failing to answer questions about how the world's most famous detective [w=fake]faked[/w] his own death in the final episode of the previous series.[/en][cn]沉寂两年之久后,《神探夏洛克》第三季以新年特辑开场。一些人指责这一季没有解释清楚上季最后一集中那个谜团——即夏洛克这位全世界最著名的侦探是如何假死的。[/cn] [en]Sherlock creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have already admitted sketching out ideas for a fourth and fifth series, with the current story arc leaving the door open for new episodes.[/en][cn]该剧的联合制片人史蒂芬·莫法特和马克·加蒂斯已经承认正在策划第四季和第五季的剧情,现在的故事情节将神探夏洛克成为新剧集的伏笔。 [/cn] [en]All that is believed to be required for a Sherlock Christmas Day special to be confirmed is confirmation that its stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman can agree to start filming in spring.[/en][cn]现在,如果该剧的两位主演——本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼同意在今年春季投入拍摄,《神探夏洛克》圣诞节特辑的播出计划就可以敲定了。[/cn]

  • 卷福花生:《神探夏洛克》主演们的中国昵称

    神探夏洛克译名的缩写。[/cn] [en]Freeman, who plays John Watson, is called Peanut for the rather more mundane reason that the actor's name in its Chinese form – Hua Sheng – sounds a lot like the Mandarin for the nut.[/en][cn]饰演约翰·华生的弗里曼被称为花生。这个名字的来由更容易理解——这一角色姓名的中译名,“华生”听起来与“花生”相近。[/cn] [en]The country's fixation on Sherlock was thrown into sharp focus during David

  • 《神探夏洛克》华生:第四季前可能有特别集


  • 《神探夏洛克》第三季前将播圣诞迷你集


  • 神探夏洛克第四季:2016回归 莫娘复活?

    《神探夏洛克》加入一个女性角色,化学效应都会非常棒。” [/cn] [en]Fans may have to wait a long time to see the fourth season of Sherlock, much like every season. Moffat said after the season 3 finale that it's possible that the show won't be on the air again for another two years, much like the first season's debut in 2010