[en]The Atom is officially coming alive on Arrow.[/en][cn]原子侠真的要出现在美剧《绿箭侠》中了。[/cn] [en]No more blue tights for Superman Returns alum Brandon Routh as he’ll finally get to suit up as The Atom on The CW’s super series. Mourning the loss of his fiancée after the Undertaking, Ray has been determined to suit up, which he’ll finally do in the Feb. 25 episode. Can Ray Palmer be the hero Starling City needs in Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) absence?[/en][cn]这回CW的超级英雄美剧终于不走紧身衣路线了,这回扮演原子侠的Brandon Routh将侠真的要出现在美剧《绿箭侠会有一身帅气的装备。在过了失去未婚妻的的悲痛之后,Ray决定变身,他的决定将会在2月25日那集播出。Ray Palmer会成为星城Oliver需要的超级英雄吗?[/cn] [en]Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.[/en][cn]《绿箭侠》将会在每周三晚八点在CW电视台开播。[/cn]
绿箭侠的英文: Arrow,DC漫画以及同名美剧《绿箭侠》arrow是什么意思: n. 箭头;箭头记号;箭 aim an arrow at 把箭瞄准… The arrow entered in his skull. 箭刺入他的头骨。 Time fleets like an arrow. 时光如箭般飞逝。 The arrow hit bang on the target. 箭正中靶心。 The arrow missed the target. 箭未中靶。 到沪江小D查看绿箭侠的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 绿化祖国的英文怎么说>> 绿化面积的英文怎么说>> 绿化工程的英文怎么说>> 绿化带的英文怎么说>> 绿化的英文怎么说>>
[en]Netflix's next great Marvel adventure is "Iron Fist," the story of a billionaire who "comes back to life" after disappearing in a plane crash with his parents as a child. On top of that very familiar origin story, Danny Rand (Finn Jones) has more in common with Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell).[/en][cn] Netflix的下一部漫威巨作是《铁拳侠》,讲述的是一个亿万富翁小时候和父母在一次飞机事故中消失,但又奇迹回归的故事。最重要的是,这个故事里面主人公Danny Rand (Finn Jones)与“绿箭侠”Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell)有很多相似之处。[/cn] [en]Every good hero needs a mysterious backstory, and Oliver and Danny's tragic tale of victim turned vigilante is tried and true. Danny also has a childhood friend, Joy Meachum (Jessica Stroup), Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) took on this role for Oliver. "Iron Fist" will also apparently feature flashbacks to Danny's time away after his plane crash, which is a major element of "Arrow" as well.[/en][cn]每一个超级英雄都有一个神秘的背景故事,Oliver和Danny皆是由悲剧中的牺牲者变成英雄。Danny和Oliver都有一个童年玩伴分别是Joy Meachum (Jessica Stroup)和Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy)。《铁拳侠》可能将采用倒叙方式讲述Danny飞机失事后的经历,这也是《绿箭侠》的一个重要的手段。[/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
[en]Prepare to geek out, Arrow fans.[/en][cn]准备惊呼吧,《绿箭侠》的粉丝们。[/cn] [en]Multiple sources confirm that Summer Glau has sign on to recur on Arrow Season 2. She will come on board as Isabel Rochev, Vice President of Acquisitions of Stellmoor International, an organization looking to take over Queen
[en]"The Flash," a spinoff series of "Arrow" Season 2, has started production on its pilot. And now the show has released the first image of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) as the Flash.[/en][cn]《绿箭侠》第二季衍生剧《闪电侠》的制作已经提上日程。该剧已经发布首张Barry Allen的闪电侠造型照。[/cn] [en]The photo shows only the head, the "flash" symbol in yellow and what may be a chin-guard are all visible. Underneath it all, Barry looks rather pleased with himself.[/en][cn]发布的照片里只能看到头部的造型,可以看到闪电侠的标志是黄色的,下巴处还有保护。照片上看起来Barry对这个造型甚是满意。[/cn] [en]This version of Barry Allen first appeared in the "Arrow" episode, "The Scientist," in December. Barry returned home to Central City after two episodes, only to get caught up in a [w]plasma[/w] explosion mixed with some odd chemistry and lightning.[/en][cn]Barry Allen已经《绿箭侠》12月播出的《The Scientist》那一集出现过。2集之后,Barry回到了中心城,并陷入了一场混有奇怪化学物质和闪电的等离子爆炸中。[/cn] [en]As of now, "Arrow" has mentioned that Barry remains in a [w]coma[/w] after the incident. He may not wake up until the "Flash" pilot. If picked up by The CW, that episode of television should air in Fall 2014.[/en][cn]目前,《绿箭侠》剧情中交代说,Barry仍然处于那次爆炸后的昏迷之中,看来在《闪电侠》开播之前他是不会醒了。如果这部衍生剧确定被CW电视台预订,那么该剧将会在2014年的秋季档和观众见面。[/cn]
就是我们引入Barry的方式,直到观众发现他的生活似乎开始加速了。」 「我们希望剧中的角色会对这些剧变作出尽可能贴近真实的反应。超能力并不会成为剧中的常态。这些离奇事件发生后,剧中的人物会有自己的应对。」 「尽管Barry有超能力,但和正义联盟七巨头其他成员的共性是,他是偶然获得这一能力的。他并不是一个神,他不会主动去寻求。是超能力找
[en]"The Flash," a highly anticipated pilot and spinoff of "Arrow" on The CW, has cast Candice Patton as its female lead, Iris West.[/en][cn]《绿箭侠》备受期待的衍生剧《闪电侠》女主角Iris West已经找到了,她绿箭侠》备受期待的衍生剧《闪电侠就是Candice Patton。[/cn] [en]Per The Hollywood Reporter, Patton's Iris is the best friend of main character Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), otherwise known as The Flash. Having grown up together, Iris and Barry are expected to eventually become love interests. [/en][cn]据《好莱坞报道》,Patton扮演的Iris是男主角闪电侠Barry Allen的好朋友,他们青梅竹马一起长大,和大家想的一样他们最终终成眷属。[/cn] [en]The character of Barry Allen was introduced in two episodes of "Arrow" in December 2013. Based on the good reception of those installments, The CW canceled plans to air "Flash" as a back-door pilot. The show will instead get a stand-alone pilot that would air in the fall.[/en][cn]而男主角Barry Allen已经在2013年12月播出的2集《绿箭侠》中出现过了。在这两集效果相当不错的引子集里,CW决定取消播出《闪电侠》原先打算播出的引子集。这部衍生剧将会作为一部新剧在今年秋季档播出。[/cn]
[en]Get excited, "The Flash" and "Arrow" fans -- The CW is reportedly going for the DC universe trifecta. [/en][cn]《闪电侠》和绿箭侠
[en]Arrow Season 5 will not be all about Laurel. If the below preview makes anything clear, it's that Oliver can take care of himself. [/en][cn]《绿箭侠》第五季将不会在围绕Laurel。《绿箭侠》新发布的预告片里我们可以看出来,Oliver已经可以照绿箭侠》第五季将不会在围绕Laurel。《绿箭侠顾好自己。[/cn] [en]At least according to Thea. [/en][cn]至少Thea这么想。[/cn] [en]It sure looks like Thea will be taking on a more leadership role within team Arrow this time round and that could make for a much-needed change in dynamics. [/en][cn]Thea在绿箭侠团队将会担任领导角色,这也将会带来相当多的变化。[/cn] [en]As always, Oliver is getting himself in trouble and based on the latest intel we're hearing, there will be a lot of villains heading to Star City this fall. [/en][cn]和之前一样,Oliver肯定会给自己惹一堆麻烦,从预告片里我们要了解到,星城的这个秋天还会迎来相当多的反派。[/cn]