• 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 3 (1)

    大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。按照所读的内容听写下来即可,不用分段噢,每篇课文分2~3次发送~ tips:为避免标点复杂,所有对话中的“”:都用,代替。 Mark Twain sleeping-car Once, a long time ago, I went to a railway station. I planned to take the night train to New York and go on a journey with a friend. Many people were

  • 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 4 (2)

    大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。按照所读的内容听写下来即可,不用分段噢,每篇课文分2~3次发送~ tips:为避免标点复杂,所有对话中的“”:都用,代替。 Margie Tommy arithmetic They had never turned a page like they were doing now. What's it about? Margie asked, school? Margie didn’t like the idea. School? All those lessons

  • 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 6 (1)

    大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。按照所读的内容听写下来即可,不用分段噢,每篇课文分2~3次发送~ tips:为避免标点复杂,所有对话中的“”:都用,代替。 Tomas A.Edison In these days, much of the profit of a business, sometimes the whole of its success depends on the use of the odds and ends. The odds and ends are various small

  • 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 5 (3)

    大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。按照所读的内容听写下来即可,不用分段噢,每篇课文分2~3次发送~ tips:为避免标点复杂,所有对话中的“”:都用,代替。 Now it will be different with the doctor this time, he thought. He wore his hat on the said of his head like an Englishman and hurried back. Good morning, my little man, the doctor

  • 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 5 (1)

    大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。按照所读的内容听写下来即可,不用分段噢,每篇课文分2~3次发送~ tips:为避免标点复杂,所有对话中的“”:都用,代替。 I once knew a little man. He grew every day twenty-four hours older without becoming any taller or larger. This made him unhappy. For he wished very much to be tall and large like

  • 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 4 (1)

    本书一定是那个时候的。汤米和迈奇急切的想读这大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学本书,他们翻开书页。非常有意思的是,文字依然在那里并且没有像电视里面一样移动,当他们翻回来,同样的文字在那里。噢,汤米说到,真浪费时间,当你读完了,就扔到一边吧。你可以在电视上看上亿本的书,甚至更多,没有可以扔的。汤米和迈奇都是23岁了。他们读了不少书了,无论他们想读什么,都会出现在电视上。 ——译文来自: caike007 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 1(1)

    大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。按照所读的内容听写下来即可,不用分段噢,每篇课文分两次发送~ There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But only a few of them are very important . English is one of these. Many many people use it, not only in England and the USA, but also in the other parts of the world. About 200 million speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a foreign language. Many millions are trying to do so. Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different answers. Have you ever noticed ads of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? Learn English in six weeks, or your money back easy and fun our records and tapes help you master your English in a month. From the first day your pronunciation will be excellent. Just send of course, it never happens quite like that. 世界上大约有1500种语言,但是只有一部分的语言是很重要的,英语就是其中之一。世界上有许多的人使用英语,不仅仅是英国人和美国人,也包括世界上其他地区的人们。大约有两亿的人是以英语为母语的,数以百万计的人们也想如此。学英语简单还是难呢?不同的人有不同的回答。你又没有在杂志或者报纸上注意过这类广告,六周学会英语或者一个月内通过我们的卡带掌握英语,第一天你的发音就会完美无比。但事实并非如此。 ——译文来自: 麦穗田田 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 2(2)

    大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。按照所读的内容听写下来即可,不用分段噢,每篇课文分2~3次发送~ tips:为避免标点复杂,所有对话中的“”:都用,代替。 He does not talk or laugh loudly in public. However, different countries have different manners. When you enter a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your

  • 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 6 (2)

    大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。按照所读的内容听写下来即可,不用分段噢,每篇课文分2~3次发送~ tips:为避免标点复杂,所有对话中的“”:都用,代替。 Tomas A.Edison But what about its odds and ends the odd moments? Many giants in science or art have made huge successes for themselves in the world mainly because they have made

  • 【大学英语精读】预备1册 lesson 1(2)

    大学英语精读是教育部推荐使用大学外语教材,1800词为起点,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。按照所读的内容听写下来即可,不用分段噢,每篇课文分2~3次发送~ The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should remember that we all learned our own language well when we were children. If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem