射手座 11.22-12.21

It'll sound really goofy or "out-there" to a lot of you guys, but your job right now is to try to balance the powers of heaven & earth in your own life... You cannot be completely spiritual... Nor can you be completely earthly either... So it's a matter of finding a workable balance where you can take the best of both worlds... You can bet your ass that there'll be a lot of new "epiphanies" of knowledge, wisdom & understanding... Many of you will start to gain rather harsh visions of future events too... With Saturn retro, there is no "buffer"... What you see is what you get... No political correctness in the Spiritual World... hehehe...


With all that said, around mid-week you'll start to see how most of your life experiences, knowledge & wisdom gained has been leading you towards this time when you're being asked to rise up to a greater leadership role or position in the lives of others. You'll soon arrive at a personal "crossroads" where you're going to have to choose one path to follow... I'm sure you can tell you're getting close to that time now.
