双子座 5.21-6.21

What goes up, will also go down... It's all a cycle of life... A wheel of life within a wheel of the universe... It just so happens that you guys happen to be in a very strong & positive cycle at the moment... This week's chart energy will feel very free & natural for you... It makes it super easy to talk to & communicate with others... This energy has a way of bringing out the best of your career possibilities too... It can raise you up to new & higher levels or cause you get out of dead-end ruts & routines too... In a way, you can see it like the universe is taking an active part in the path you are taking.


Midweek the energy shifts towards something that is more "future oriented"... This is when you need to overcome the emotions & do what's in YOUR OWN BEST INTEREST... (even if others see that as being selfish)... The idea being that it's impossible to take care of others if your own needs are not being met. Communication is the key... You must be upfront & honest about all your actions or intentions... Doing that ensures your ultimate success. You're moving into a terrific time, I hope you take full advantage of it.
