蝎子座 10.23-11.21

Sometimes we get so used to the struggles & challenges that we fail to notice that we have already have won & there is no need to carry on the fight any longer... That's the core of your chart energy... It indicates you are soon to reach an elevated place or position & that you no longer have to "prove yourself"... That all you have to do is "be yourself" and follow though on what you know to be real & true within your mind, heart & soul. This is the time to focus your actions upon what is in the best interest of others... Even if that means extra bother or effort for you personally, It's time to move forward so others can follow behind your lead.


Midweek the energy will shift & you'll really see the need to let go of past "ideals" that are preventing you from reaching higher levels of wisdom & understanding... It's time to release the anger that holds you back & prevents the love from completely flowing through you... You're being given an incredible unique perspective that allows you to see things as they really are... I'd pay close attention to insights gained at this time.
