金牛座 4.20-5.20

This can be a week where your feelings & emotions are likely to also be "weak" & subject to physical & intimate "temptations"... (if you know the language I'm speakin' of)... This occurs because the amount of your giving is way out of balance with what is given back to you... It's more of an in-balance of awareness... That others just don't "get it" or appreciate how much you do... (etc)... But make no mistake about it, that DOES NOT give you license to break agreements or commitments in order to "get something extra" or "what you're entitled" to... Trackin' with me on this?...


Later in the week the energy will shift & you'll slide into a cycle that is much more fun & sociable... (the temptation risk is still active)... This is when others start to see that there is something "special" to your personality & being. As strange as it sounds, when the balance here is this out of "whack"... Sometimes the answer is to give even more... So much so that it's the Spirit that is the one that gives back to you... That is the ultimate lesson anyway... That it doesn't have to be the ones that you give to, that are the ones that give back.
