双鱼座 2.19-3.20

The greatest moments of life are usually the ones where we're at that special place where we can see & appreciate the pure genius & total idiocy within us at the same moment... hehe... I'm here to tell ya Fish-dogs that you guys are about to start a brand new chapter in your lives... It contains many elements of the past, but they're arranged or are in different roles or positions than might be expected. A big part of this transit requires you to be much more aware of what effects your words & actions will have upon your own life & that of others... It requires to look more ahead... So a bit of extra caution might be needed to protect yourself from yourself...


Towards midweek the energy shifts towards something much more practical... It causes you to focus more attention on the tasks & chores of the moment & making sure you are getting things done right the first time. This a when your body needs a lot more rest & relaxation, so give yourself a break & know when it's time to kick back & rest & allow your internal batteries to re-charge... A brand new life adventure is about to begin... Get ready!!!
