白羊座 3.21-4.19

This is when elements of the past will start to re-appear (if they haven't started to already)... Part of this can be "ghosts from the past" which includes ideas or possibilities too... This is the universe's way of allowing you to take full advantage of what you've learned & re-apply it to the past... (if that makes sense hehe)... It brings a sense of peace & calmness & a "silent knowing" that regardless of what is going on, you have everything under control. This can create some unusual romantic opportunities so watch out so you are not caught un-prepared.


The second part of the week is a lot more "normal"... (although in a highly abnormal way).. hehe... This is when the energy favors you getting busy and doing all the "little things" that need to get done... Especially things that have been started but still unfinished. Paying to the details is very important right now too... So make sure you are getting things done right the first time. You'd also be wise to pay more attention to your overall health & fitness... This transit favors & will help any self improvement programs that are started now.
