• 夏洛特小公主的爱好是什么?竟然和女王一样...

    由来嫉妒三岁的夏洛特小公主,她现在继承了伊丽莎白女王最喜欢的爱好。根据Town & Country的报道,这位年轻的王室成员开始骑马了。[/cn] [en]The Queen, who is 92 now, still rides regularly, and has been an avid rider for years.[/en][cn]92岁的女王,现在还是定期骑马。多年以来,她一直都是骑马爱好者。[/cn] [en]Just imagine Elizabeth and Charlotte sharing this loving look on horseback:[/en][cn]就想象一下伊丽莎白和夏洛特骑在马背上的场景是多么有爱。[/cn] [en]Riding is a favorite hobby among royals in general. Charlotte's big brother, Prince George, reportedly took up the sport at an even younger age—two.[/en][cn]骑马通常是王室成员的最爱。夏洛特公主的哥哥,乔治王子,据报道开始骑马的年纪比夏洛特还小,两岁的时候就上马了。[/cn] [en]"William and Kate were keen to get George on a horse once he was walking confidently," a source told the Daily Mail of the young prince in December 2015. "George loved his first ride–he was led around a paddock on a rein and shrieked with delight. William and Kate were both there to watch."[/en][cn]2015年,有消息告诉《每日邮报》“乔治小王子走路刚走稳时,威廉王子和凯特就热情地让他上马了。”“乔治很喜欢他的第一次骑马,他手拿着缰绳高兴地尖叫着,威廉和凯特就在边上看着他。”[/cn] [en]Others close to the royals have shared stories of Charlotte's love for riding.[/en][cn]还有一位和皇室关系亲密的人员分享了夏洛特喜欢骑马的这一讯息。[/cn] [en]Natasha Baker, a decorated Paralympic Equestrian, got a chance to speak with Kate Middleton during an event with honoring Olympians and Paralympians at Buckingham Palace. During the conversation, Charlotte's love for horseback riding came up.[/en][cn]残奥会马术运动员Natasha Baker在白金汉宫宣扬奥运会和残运会的一次活

  • 《神探夏洛克》:卷福差点是绿头发

    动上就跟大家分享了这样一件轶事。[/cn] [en]How did that happen? When Cumberbatch showed up to work on the "Sherlock" pilot episode, he had recently bleached his hair to play Vincent Van Gogh. The "Sherlock" people tried to give Cumberbatch a darker look (to better match the literary Holmes' physical appearance), but the dye plus the bleach resulted in a shade of green.[/en][cn]到底是怎么回事呢?Cumberbatch在出演《神探夏洛克》第一集之前,曾经为了梵高的一个角色把头发漂白了。而《神探夏洛克》的造型师们为了让Cumberbatch和书中的Holmes更像一些,想让他看起来肤色黑一些,就给他然黑头发,结果两种颜色加在一起结果就成了绿色。[/cn] [en]This was the day before filming was supposed to begin.[/en][cn]这件事发生在正式录制开始的前一天。[/cn] [en]Fortunately, more work on the hair resulted in a more successful dye job. That's a good thing -- Sherlock Holmes is odd enough without green hair. [/en][cn]不过幸好最后还是成功的把Cumberbatch的头发染成了棕黑色,这也避免了Sherlock Holmes顶着一头奇怪的绿头发。[/cn]

  • 夏洛特小公主要成乔治的小学妹?这也太萌了


  • 夏洛特小公主上幼儿园,入学的照片有些小萌!

    [en]Princess Charlotte's first-day-of-school photo is here! Kensington Palace just shared highly adorable photos of the two-year-old before her first day of [w]nursery[/w] school.[/en][cn]夏洛

  • 为什么夏洛特小公主总穿着裙子?原因震惊到我了

    片中不难发现,当与父母一同公开露面时,她们倾向于身着刺绣裙,”王室专家马琳•科尼格对《时尚芭莎》如是说。[/cn] [en]"I expect that when the kids are at home, playing in the nursery or in the backyard, they are wearing more casual clothes," Koenig explained.[/en][cn]“我希望孩子们在家时,或是在幼儿园、自家后院玩耍时,他们可以穿上更休闲的衣服”,科尼格解释道。[/cn] [en]In fact, Charlotte was once photographed wearing shorts while playing with her big brother, George, during a private playtime.[/en][cn]实际上,在私人娱乐时间里,夏洛特曾有一次被拍到身着短裤和她的哥哥乔治一起玩耍。[/cn] [en]Since Charlotte already has an established history of wearing George's hand-me-downs, maybe we'll see her in some his adorable shorts someday.[/en][cn]既然在捡哥哥旧衣服穿这件事上,夏洛特已经开了头,也许我们哪一天就能看到夏洛特穿着哥哥可爱短裤的模样呢。[/cn] (翻译:everaining)

  • 凯特王妃和夏洛特穿母女装,萌炸了!

    令人羡慕的衣橱之一,而且夏洛特公主似乎正在仿效她的母亲。[/cn] [en]The little princess can often be seen colour-coordinating with Kate during their joint public appearances.[/en][cn]人们常常能夏看到小公主与凯特王妃一起公开露面的时候,她们的着装色调都会保持一致。[/cn] [en]This weekend, the mother and daughter duo wore matching shades of ice blue as they watched the Trooping the Colour ceremony from the balcony of Buckingham Palace.[/en][cn]这个周末母女俩从白金汉宫的露台上观看皇家军队阅兵仪式的时候就穿着相互搭配的冰蓝色礼服。[/cn] [en]Kate wore a fitted Alexander McQueen number, while the adorable youngster wore a floral dress in an almost identical hue.[/en][cn]凯特身着一件亚历山大·麦昆品牌的修身礼服,而可爱的小公主穿着一件颜色几乎相同的印花连衣裙。[/cn] [en]It's not the first time the pair have worn perfectly complementing outfits; when Charlotte was bridesmaid for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's wedding last month, her mother wore a matching white number.[/en][cn]这不是她们母女俩第一次在穿着上相得益彰了,上个月夏洛特公主为苏塞克斯公爵夫妇当伴娘的时候,她的母亲就穿着一件与之相映衬的白色礼服。[/cn] [en]The Cambridges' 2017 Christmas card, shot last summer, also saw mother and daughter wearing matching shades of powder blue.[/en][cn]从去年夏天剑桥公爵夫妇一家人拍摄的2017年圣诞卡片中,我们也可以看到这对母女穿着相称的浅蓝色礼服。[/cn] [en]And the duo wore coordinating shades of pink and purple as they wrapped up their tour of Poland and Germany last July, flying out from Hamburg.[/en][cn]去年七月当她们结束波兰和德国之旅并从汉堡离开的时候,母女俩穿着色调协调的粉色和紫色礼服。[/cn] [en]During last year's Trooping the Colour flypast, Kate ensured there was no risk of an outfit clash as she dressed Charlotte in a pink number that perfectly matched her pleated skater dress and hat.[/en][cn]在去年皇家军队阅兵仪式的飞行表演中,凯特王妃让夏洛特公主穿上了粉红色的礼服,与她的高腰百褶裙和帽子完美地搭配在一起,确保了没有撞衫的风险。[/cn] [en]They also matched their outfits for the 2016 ceremony, and later that year during a visit to Canada.[/en][cn]在2016年的仪式上以及之后的加拿大之旅中,她们的服装也搭配地很好。[/cn] [en]Kate has routinely won style [w]plaudits[/w] for mixing bespoke designer pieces with high street bargains since marrying into the royal family in 2011.[/en][cn]自从凯特于2011年嫁入皇室以来,她就经常用高街品牌的平价服饰与设计师们的定制礼服混搭而赢得人们对其品味的称赞。[/cn] (翻译:Dlacus)

  • 《神探夏洛克》可能制作特别集


  • 《神探夏洛克》卷福给已故小粉丝写信

    [en]Following the tragic death of a 14-year-old "Sherlock" fan, star Benedict Cumberbatch sent an open letter to be read aloud at the girl's funeral. [/en][cn]Benedict Cumberbatch给《神探夏洛克》已经去世的14岁小粉丝写信,并在小姑娘的葬礼上被公开朗读。[/cn] [en]Eve Shepherd died Feb. 1 after struggling with her breathing, the Warrington Guardian reports. After being born prematurely in 2000, she went through more than 200 operations during her short life due to a number of [w=ailment]ailments[/w].[/en][cn]《Warrington Guardian》报道,Eve Shepherd在2月1日去世。她在2000年早产出生,因为生病,她短短的一生经历了200多场手术。[/cn] [en]"I send my deepest sympathies to Eve's family," Cumberbatch writes. "To lose someone so young who fought for her health all her life must be beyond endurance. I hope they can take solace from the fact that she was clearly much loved, and her support of our show is hugely appreciated and shall be remembered."[/en][cn]“我向Eve的家人送上我最深的同情,”Cumberbatch在信中写。“小小年纪就遭受病魔折磨的她,一生经历诸多磨难。我希望她明白她的人生充满了爱,她对我们剧的支持我们万分珍惜,并永不忘记。”[/cn] [en]Unfortunately, Cumberbatch could not attend the funeral as he was filming the next "Sherlock" special. However, Eve's father, Mark Shepherd, tells the Warrington Guardian, "She would be so happy about the letter from Benedict."[/en][cn]可惜的是,因为要拍摄《神探夏洛克》圣诞特别集,Cumberbatch并没有出席这位小粉丝的葬礼。不过Eve的爸爸Mark Shepherd告诉Warrington卫报说,“如果她知道自己居然收到了Benedict的信,一定会很高兴的。”[/cn]

  • 夏洛特小公主打网球引不满,原因竟是威廉夫妇?!

    夏洛特小公主对网球感兴趣也就不奇怪了。[/cn] [en]She may be yet to start nursery but two-year-old Charlotte has already started tennis lessons at one of the country's most exclusive clubs. [/en][cn]两岁的夏洛特还没开始上育幼院,但是已经在英国上流社会俱乐部开始上网球课。[/cn] [en]And despite her small stature sources have described the toddler as a 'natural tennis player'. [/en][cn]虽然还只是个小不点,但是有人说这个蹒跚学步的小家伙是“天生的网球运动员”。[/cn] [en]A source told The Sun: 'She might not be three until May but they were convinced she'd love it and so far she has. She seems a bit of a natural.' [/en][cn]相关人员告诉《太阳报》:“明天五月夏洛特才满三岁,但是他们都笃定夏洛特爱打网球,而且有些天分。”[/cn] [en]But while Charlotte is said to be making great progress at her lessons at the Hurlingham Club fellow members aren't thrilled by her tuition. [/en][cn]尽管夏洛特在网球俱乐部Hurlingham Club学习网球进步很大,俱乐部工作人员却并不为此惊异。[/cn] [en]According to paper, some are unhappy about the fact that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are not club members.[/en][cn]据《太阳报》报道,威廉夫妇都不是俱乐部会员,有人为此不满。[/cn] [en]Founded in 1869, rules state that non-members may only play on the court if directly invited  by another member - something that William and Kate appear to have bypassed. [/en][cn]该俱乐部创立于1869年,规定中说非会员收到会员邀请才能在场地活动,威廉夫妇显然无视了这条规定。[/cn] [en]The source added: 'Unfortunately some patrons feel Charlotte shouldn't be allowed to play there. [/en][cn]线人说:“一些会员觉得夏洛特不能在那儿打球。”[/cn] [en]'Club rules are usually very rigid, and they don't see why exceptions should be made, even if they happen to be royal.[/en][cn]“俱乐部的规定很严格,这些会员觉得不应该有例外,就算是王室的人也要遵守规定。”[/cn] [en]MailOnline has contacted Kensington Palace for a comment.[/en][cn]媒体MailOnline正在联络肯辛顿宫寻求解释。[/cn] [en]Charlotte's interest in the sport comes as no surprise with her mother being a keen tennis fan and patron of the London Tennis Association, having taken over the post from the Queen.[/en][cn]夏洛特的妈妈凯特是个网

  • 《神探夏洛克》追剧笔记S4E2:东风来袭

    红了,爆红,红得发紫,紫的发黑。 【例句】 [en]PPAP is beyond viral on the internet.[/en][cn]PPAP 网络爆红。[/cn]   下面的对话便是“even you” 场景了。 英语君联想到了魔法特编剧的一句话:喜欢一个人是想要过要和他共度一夜,爱一个人是想和他共度一生。 夏洛克和华生在对方眼中都是独一无二又最不平凡的存在。 英语君想象不出还有哪个告白比这个更加浪漫的了。 最后的最后,当“Eurus”的名字出来的时候,英语君瞬间联想到了夏洛克和华夏洛生在机场作别的场景。 这三张图合起来,简直细思极恐。 莫不是夏洛克和华生要正面决战大BOSS了? 第四季还剩下最后一集,让我们拭目以待。   声明:本内容为沪江英语原创,严禁转载。