• 《神探夏洛克》开播十周年:讲真,双男主CP我只服英剧

    神探夏洛克》在BBC播出。 这部现象级英剧人民是真有爱,“英国国宝”休叔和油炸叔也是特别有才又有火花的一对,喜欢这对CP的还可以去补他们的《一点双人秀》(A Bit of Fry and Laurie,全四季),80年代的东西可以说秒杀现在很多show了……   [en] "Jeeves and Wooster" is one of the best pure adaptations I have ever seen in a television show. I highly recommend a look at this series to anyone who has a British sense of humor or enjoys '20s glamor. ——Pickwick12 [/en] [cn]《万能管家》是我看过改编的最棒的电视剧之一。着迷于20年代魅力、喜欢英式幽默的不要错过了

  • 热播英剧《神探夏洛克》访谈(视频)

     英剧《神探夏洛克》相关介绍 BBC1新版《福尔摩斯》,讲述了21世纪繁华热闹的伦敦大都市中,时尚的大侦探夏洛克·福尔摩斯和他的得力助手华生经受的一系列危险的、不同寻常的历险。 Sherlock is a British television series that presents a [w]contemporary[/w] update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. It was created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Doctor John Watson. After an unbroadcast pilot in 2009, the first series of three 90-minute episodes was transmitted on BBC One and BBC HD in July and August 2010, with a second series of three episodes first broadcast in January 2012. The second series is set to air on BBC America? and the PBS channel in May. A third series has been commissioned and will reportedly air in 2014. The series has been sold to over 180 territories. 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江英语"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。

  • 英剧《神探夏洛克》开拍 导演“推特”忙

    度了。[/cn] [en]May 12–”Rehearsals were great fun. First [w]scene[/w] up on Monday is with #Sherlock and Dr Watson.”[/en][cn]5月12号:预演很好玩。周一要开拍的第一个镜头就是夏洛克和Dr  Watson。[/cn] [en]If you want to follow the progress, make sure to follow McGuigan on Twitter.[/en][cn]想要了解最新的拍摄进度,千万别忘了加保罗·麦奎根关注。[/cn] 小编剧发现,花生阿福等等竟然都有了自己的Twitter 账号,彼此往来更新不亦乐乎,于是猜测下,新一季除了花生的博客,会不会增加推特的桥段捏?(喂喂,你想太多了吧) Sherlock Holmes [en]The world's first, only and best [w]consulting[/w] detective.[/en][cn]全球第一唯一最好的顾问侦探。[/cn] Dr John Watson [en]I'm a doctor, I also assist @SherlockSH who is a consulting detective.[/en][cn]我是医生,也会常常协助侦探福尔摩斯。[/cn] Mycroft Holmes [en]Government official. Founder of the Diogenes Club. Brother of Sherlock Holmes.[/en][cn]政府官员。Diogenes俱乐部创立者。夏洛克·福尔摩斯的哥哥。[/cn] Martha Hudson [en]I'm the landlady of the house at 221B Baker Street, not the housekeeper.[/en][cn]贝克街221座的女房东,不是管家来的。[/cn] Gregory Lestrade [en]Just a humble Detective [w]Inspector[/w] working at New Scotland Yard.[/en][cn]New Scotland Yard里的一枚谦逊侦探巡视员。[/cn] Sergeant Anderson [en]I am a Forensics Specialist working for Scotland Yard.[/en][cn]Scotland Yard里的一名法医专家。[/cn] Mlly Hooper [en]I work at St. Bart's Hospital. In the morgue. So I hope I don't see you there![/en][cn]我在St. Bart's 医院的停尸房工作。最好还是别让我在那看到你。[/cn] Sarah Sawyer [en]I'm a GP in South East London.[/en][cn]South East London的普通医生一枚。[/cn]

  • 英剧《神探夏洛克》学习笔记1.1 地道英式骂人话

    《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)英语学习笔记正式开张!我们会通过这部新上映的英剧学习地道的英式口语!每次5分钟,练就漂亮的伦敦腔! 【剧集简介】 这部英剧是经典名著、柯南道尔爵士的《福尔摩斯探案集》现代版。由BBC拍摄,7月25日刚刚上映,总共三集。每集讲述一个完整的小故事。故事的基本题材都取材自福尔摩斯探案集,但结局和原著不同、并且加入了新鲜的现代元素:比如原著中的华生医生以笔记的形式记录了他和福尔摩斯遇到的案件,而在新版中华生改写博客了;在原著中,福尔摩斯和华生一见面就通过他的怀表判断出华生生平的桥段,在新版版中则把怀表变成了手机…… 《神探夏洛克》第一集取材自福尔摩斯系列中神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)英语学习笔记正式开张!我们会通过这部新上映的英剧最为著名的那本《血字的研究》,A Study in Scarlet ——现代版则有点恶搞般地将第一集命名为《粉红的研究》,A Study in Pink!让熟悉福尔摩斯的观众对这种英式幽默会心一笑! 【学习笔记】 1. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 根据阿瑟柯南道尔爵士作品改编; ——这是开篇字幕最后一段,也作为我们学习笔记的第一个知识点。算是对伟大的柯南道尔表示一点敬意吧!请大家注意“改编自……”这样的说法是"Based on..." 2. What do you mean there's no ruddy car? 你说没辆破车(来接我)是啥意思? ——我们都知道在美式英语里常把"damn" "darn"这样的字眼加在名词前以表愤怒,比如"Where is my darn watch?"(我那该死的表哪儿去了?),而在英式英语中则用"bloody",比如"You dont' have a bloody plan!"(你们没个倒霉计划!)。"Ruddy" 是"Bloody"比较委婉的说法,就像"freakin' "是另一个F开头的字较文明的说法一样。 以下是英文的说明: ruddy: In the United Kingdom and some other parts of the Commonwealth, "ruddy" is also used as a mild curse (rather like "damn" or "darn") in place of the more offensive "bloody". 3. My husband was a happy man who lived life to the full... 我的丈夫,是一个努力生活的乐观男人…… ——live life to the full,也可以说成live a full life,意思是努力生活。 4. I'll be just two minutes, mate. 我只要两分钟,哥们儿。 ——“我只要两分钟”的地道口语表达不是"I need two minutes",注意用这个"I'll be just..."的句型;另外男性之间称呼非常要好朋友,可以说"mate", "man" 或是 "buddy"。 5. Junior Minister for Transport 运输部副部长 ——副部长这里的“副”用的是junior这个字;副经理则应该用deputy manager;副总统用vice president。

  • 英剧《神探夏洛克》第二季首播时间推迟至2012

    [en]Bad news for fans of the BBC‘s fresh and [w]inventive[/w] take on Sherlock Holmes. The second season of Sherlock has been pushed back to 2012.[/en][cn]给所有喜欢BBC英剧《神探夏洛克

  • 英剧《神探夏洛克》学习笔记1.2 为自己做打算

    还有一个比较偏门的意思: [正式]服药、用药。所以self-administered在这里不是自我管理,而是自行服毒。 3. bright young things like we used to be. 聪明的年轻人,就像我们当年一样。 ——注意这里用的是things,而不是man哦。 4. What about you? Just staying in town till you get yourself sorted? 你呢?在有安排之前就打算待在伦敦? ——sort原意是“种类、类别”,get yourself sorted,可以理解为“为自己做点安排打算”。 5. Yeah, like that's gonna happen. 嗯哪,你觉可能吗? ——这句话有点嘲讽的意味在,直译过来是“就跟这事儿真会发生似的”,表示完全不相信。 6. I don't know, get a flatshare or something? 不知道啊,想过要剧集简介】 这部英剧是经典名著、柯南道尔爵士的《福尔摩斯探和谁合租吗? ——合租的说法是"flatshare"。 7. I refreshed it a bit. 我想看起来精神点儿。 ——"refresh"这个单词在英式英语中很好用:refresh yourself, 意思是让自己精神振作;refresh your memory, 意思是提醒自己;而在火车上用小推车出售小零食,餐车服务员的叫卖是"Any refreshment?" 8. What's wrong with the landline? 座机坏了吗? ——座机的说法:landline.

  • 《神探夏洛克》第三季新剧照:华生要结婚了


  • 《神探夏洛克》:卷福差点是绿头发

    动上就跟大家分享了这样一件轶事。[/cn] [en]How did that happen? When Cumberbatch showed up to work on the "Sherlock" pilot episode, he had recently bleached his hair to play Vincent Van Gogh. The "Sherlock" people tried to give Cumberbatch a darker look (to better match the literary Holmes' physical appearance), but the dye plus the bleach resulted in a shade of green.[/en][cn]到底是怎么回事呢?Cumberbatch在出演《神探夏洛克》第一集之前,曾经为了梵高的一个角色把头发漂白了。而《神探夏洛克》的造型师们为了让Cumberbatch和神探夏洛克书中的Holmes更像一些,想让他看起来肤色黑一些,就给他然黑头发,结果两种颜色加在一起结果就成了绿色。[/cn] [en]This was the day before filming was supposed to begin.[/en][cn]这件事发生在正式录制开始的前一天。[/cn] [en]Fortunately, more work on the hair resulted in a more successful dye job. That's a good thing -- Sherlock Holmes is odd enough without green hair. [/en][cn]不过幸好最后还是成功的把Cumberbatch的头发染成了棕黑色,这也避免了Sherlock Holmes顶着一头奇怪的绿头发。[/cn]

  • 《神探夏洛克》编剧:还有第四季和第五季

    别的缘由,马克和我坐在剧组车上躲雨……然后我们马上就规划出了未来两季的计划。” 莫法特在参加英国电影学院奖《神探夏洛克》第三季最终集《最后誓言》放映时对观众表示。[/cn] [en]“And we plotted out the whole of series four and five.”[/en][cn]"并且我们已经设计好了整个第四季和第五季的剧情。"[/cn] [en]“So we have got plans – but our plans don’t tend to be ‘Let’s blow up the world or cast the most famous person in the world’ they tend to be ‘What exciting twists and turns can we add to this?’ And I think we’ve got some [w=cracker]crackers[/w]![/en][cn]“所以我们是有计划的,但我们的计划并不是‘让我们轰动世界或找世界上最有名的人来出演角色’,而是‘我们能为剧情添加什么样迂回曲折的情节呢?’ 我认为我们已经有好的构思了。”[/cn] [en]“The ideas we had that day, I thought were the best we’ve ever had.”[/en][cn]“我认为我们那天产生的想法,是我们这么久以来最好的构思。”[/cn] [en]And after you watch the series three finale on Sunday, you’ll know that’s setting the bar very high indeed…[/en][cn]"当你周日看完第三季最终集的时候,你就会了解到我们其实把门槛设得很高……"[/cn]

  • 《神探夏洛克》卷福:不要挑拨我跟美剧版夏洛克的关系啊!

    剧《基本演绎法》中扮演的夏洛克别的角色。”[/cn] [en]"It is [w]baffling[/w] because I have only been supportive of an incredibly talented actor who I am proud to call a friend taking a job I know he is going to enjoy [w]immensely[/w] and be wonderful in."[/en][cn]“我明明是在支持这位让我很骄傲地称之为朋友的顶级演员的工作,而且我知道他很享受它,并且也做得很好。所以外界的那种传言让我有点不开心。[/cn] [en]Earlier this week the Shortlist quoted Cumberbatch in an interview