Sometimes,when I bring flowers,I fix the flowers on the graves around my brother's grave. Some of the headstones have birthdates near my brother's;they are young,too. But many of them,if they have any little toys or things on them,those are red. All around my brother are boys who grew up to like red,making them the enemies of my brother. My brother was 16 when he was shot by someone who liked red,who killed him because he liked blue. And when I go to the cemetery I put flowers on the graves of the boys who liked red,too. Sometimes I go to the cemetery with one of my best friends,who had a crush on a boy who liked red,who was killed at 18 by someone who liked blue. And we will go together and bring a big bunch of flowers,enough for both of these boys whose families are actually even from the same state in Mexico.
有的时候,如果我带过去的是鲜花,我会将它们好好地插满在弟弟的坟墓周围。旁边的一些碑石上也有刻着出生日期,他们都很小。但是,但是但凡墓碑前有玩具或者花之类的东西,都是红色的。 在我弟弟的旁边,基本上都是一些喜欢红颜色的人的墓,他们是我弟弟的对家。因为,我弟弟16岁的时候,被一个喜欢红色的人杀死了,原因是我弟弟喜欢蓝色。当我去看望弟弟的时候,我也会顺便带一些红色的玩具,送给旁边的人。 有时,我会和一个好朋友一起去扫墓,那个朋友去看望的是一个喜欢红色的男孩。这个男孩18岁的时候被一个喜欢蓝色的人给杀死了。我们会带着一大束花,去看望这两个实际上出自于墨西哥的同一个州的两个男孩。