蝎子座 10.23-11.21

The universe is trying to call you into a new life adventure... Each of the events taking place in your life contains the potential for greater life lessons & adventures. The main idea in play here is that you only get so many days to "be alive"... So the universe is trying to get it through to you to try to make the most of each one... To take the risks & chances... Not to allow the ridiculous "fears or insecurities" to prevent you from going after your hopes, dreams & wishes with "wild abandon"... As free-wheelin' as this energy can be... It is highly "spiritual" in nature, so I'd make damn sure you adhere to the highest moral & ethical standards as possible.


Towards midweek the energy shifts & causes the attention of others to be directed towards you... (oh joy)... This is when others will look to you for answers, motivation or guidance... (whether you have them or not)... You must base your actions upon what's in best interest of others first. This transit has the potential to lift you to very high positions of trust & honor... (or career promotions)... Do or say nothing "in secret"... There's no time to "put things off" any longer... You must address your long term financial needs.
