双鱼座 2.19-3.20

It looks like you guys are in "playtime mode"... This is when your most inventive & creative ideas tend to rise to the surface. It's also the time when others always seem to need you the most, or look to you for answers or solutions to their problems. As strange as it might sound, the idea is to generally to apply the creativity of your most child-like ideas into work in your current "adult" life... Truth is truth regardless of what age you might be. At the same time, you're expected to be able to see past the "illusions or fantasies" you might be trying to live & to adhere more towards the rock solid facts & realities.


The second half of the week is totally different because it focuses the energy at your own individual actions & efforts... It challenges you to become more organized & efficient in the things you do, so you can get more done in less time. It's very likely there is some "double-dealing" by those you trust & rely upon... The words might be saying one thing but the actions can be totally different... I'd make sure others aren't selling you out or somehow "betraying your trust" in one or another.
