水瓶座 1.20-2.18

You can have all the greatest plans & ideas... But when it's all said & done, it all comes down the base or "core level" fundemental actions you take... Just like a football game, the teams that does the basics perfectly is ususally the team that eventually wins. This transit is designed to slow you down so you can focus more clearly upon where you're at & what you are doing. It reminds you to organize your actions & efforts so you can get the most done with the least amount of personal effort. I 'spose the main objective is to reduce the wear & tear & stress your body is taking these days in trying to hold it all together.


The middle part of the week will bring out more of your social & people skills... This is when you'll have a natural ease with others & many new personal & intimate relationships will be formed as a result. The danger you face is that others will try to use your emotions against you or to somehow try to "hold your emotionally hostage" or cause you to make agreements or commitments you're not prepared to make just yet... So remain aware of what you're agreeing to or what the consequences of your actions might be.
