双子座 5.21-6.21

There are all kinds of both financial & long term career implications in this week's chart... This is when the universe is doing what it can to put you on the path that leads you towards your hopes, dreams & wishes. That doesn't mean it's going to be all peaches & cream... In many cases, this is going to additional hard work & require you to pay a lot closer attention to the details. Your financial instincts will be right on the money, so trust your intuition & gut instincts... It's a great time for purchases or for making important financial decisions "when the feeling is right"... Venus is retrograde though, so think things through very carefully. As the week rolls on, the energy becomes so much lighter... In a way, it's like the weight of the world is being lifted off of your shoulders... This is the time to go out & have some fun... To laugh & have a good time with others. It's not the time for heavy or deep conversations, but listen very carefully to everything others are saying... The Mercury-Uranus eclipse sets the stage for "messages from the Spirit" to be delivered.
