巨蟹座 6.22-7.22

You're in your high cycle of the month right now... So that means to pull out the stops & to totally go after your hopes, dreams & wishes... This is when the planets are favoring & amplifying your words & actions... (for better or worse)... So you're getting a hell of a boost from the planet energy... The trick is to try to direct it towards the actions that will bring you the most good. If that's not enough, this is when your personality will shine through the brightest too causing the attention of others to be directed towards you... The extra attention is great, but try to remain focused on what you are doing & trying to accomplish... (but have some fun too fercrissakes hehe)... Around midweek the energy will shift & you'll become more in tune with the material & financial parts of life... Your internal radar is right on target and you'll be able to spot a bargain from a ga-jillion miles away. Talk is talk, but this is when actions really matter most... So get right on up & actually do the things you know need to be done to improve your financial situation. The energy deals with your finances, but the main intention is to bring about the conditions that let you discover & use hidden talents, abilities & obtain personal satisfaction.
