狮子座 7.23-8.22

Your week starts out in what can be a turbulent emotional time... What happens is that you start pickin' up the thought, feelings & vibes of others so strongly that it can be hard to separate which are yours & which are from others... It's a no-brainer to consider how that can "wear you down"... So it's very important to get as much extra rest as possible during this phase. The positive part is that this is when the ideas of "pure genius" can pop into your mind... So it's just as beneficial... This is when you need to be slow to take action, but to pay close attention to the "feelings & vibes" you might pick up... Important insights can be gained at this time.


Later in the week, you'll slide right into your high cycle... So this is the time to put your ideas into action. The attention of others will be riveted upon you, but I'd try to "take care of business" first, & then kick back & allow the good time to happen... You are under some serious & challenging financial aspects... This is when you need to separate "ideas" from "reality"... From what might be "hope" and what actually "works"... This will determine whether how you are seen by others... Either as brilliant, or idiotic.
