处女座 8.23-9.22

Your chart is putting the emphasis upon being able to personally change... That mean being able to "re-evaluate" ideas... or your current ideology when it fails to stack up to the greater truths that are being revealed. The universe expects you to "be your own person" and to "think your own thoughts"... That means ignoring "popular opinion" and being willing to try new ideas & find answers & solutions. The main intention here is to unlock your creative & inventive mind because the chart indicates you can reach potentials even you cannot even visualize... The real question is whether or not you have the balls to be original, or just another ant in the ant-hill.


Later in the week you are likely to gain a very interesting (and perhaps scary) view of where all this current energy is leading us... It's not your job to "save the world"... (that's not what is broken)... At it's core, this is the time when the Big Spirit will try to make it's presence known to you in your everyday life. You cannot allow anything to "break your faith" in your dreams... Nor can you ignore "truth" as it might be revealed.
