Quora精选 最萌最机智的5句英文
面的姿势看: I Do Not Know Where Family Doctors Acquired Illegibly Perplexing handwriting; nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality, counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications' incomprehensibleness. 3. I hit him in the eye yesterday. 不管在句子中的什么地方插入only,句义都不一样。 4. "?" [en]This was French author Victor Hugo's telegraphed message to his publishers, asking about sales of his then newly-published novel, Les Misérables. [/en][cn]法国作家维克多·雨果拍电报问出版商,他的新书《悲惨世界》销量如何。[/cn] [en]Their reply was: "!"[/en][cn]出版商的回复如出一辙。[/cn] 5."If" 亚历山大大帝的爸爸,马其顿国王腓力二世给斯巴达人写了一封信: [en]You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city.[/en][cn]你们最好赶快服从我,不然我会率领军队来到你们的领土,摧毁你们的农田,杀戮你们的人民,把你们的城市夷为平地。[/cn] 斯巴达人很牛,回信只有一个字:“If”。 更牛的是,腓力二世到死都没能征服斯巴达。 更多Quora神回答想用手机刷?↓↓↓扫下方二维码!方便收藏哦~ 或手机直接访问>>>
感到振奋。对于别人来说则意味着无法保证他们当前的职业或兴趣能否或应否培养起一份真正的事业。[/cn] [en]You can regret either under- or overinvesting in your work, the lesson seems to be. What you won't regret is being clear-eyed about your longer-term professional trajectory and whether today's effort is serving your goals, whatever they may be.[/en][cn]你可以后悔自己对工作的投入不足或过度,但你会学到其中的经验。但你不会后悔的是能够看清自己的长期职业发展轨道,以及今天的努力能否为你的目标服务,无论是什么目标。[/cn] [en]5.Not exercising[/en][cn]5.缺少运动[/cn] [en]Your body is at its peak when you're young. Keep it healthy, or you'll soon regret it.[/en][cn]你的身体在你年轻的时候处于鼎盛时期。所以你得保持身体健康,否则以后你就会后悔了。[/cn] [en]Bonus tip:Letting fear of regret hold you back[/en][cn]额外贴士:惧怕后悔使自己却步[/cn] [en]As an end note, it's also worth pointing out that while plenty of Quora members had regrets from their 20s to share, many others stressed that being too concerned about not making mistakes can paralyze you, keeping you from necessary experimentation and learning in your youth. Don't let fear of regret keep you from trying and failing constructively, this group stresses.[/en][cn]作为结束的提示,值得一提的是,虽然许多Quora答主都有在20多岁时后悔的事情,但是也有很多人强调过度拘泥不让自己犯错会麻痹你的神经,让你远离必要的实验研究以及年轻时期的经验吸收。千万不
上了别人。[/cn] [en]Others:[/en][cn]其他:[/cn] [en]Getting older[/en][cn]老了[/cn] [en]The feeling of being left out. . Being ignored.[/en][cn]被别人遗忘的感觉。[/cn] [en]Helplessness (being trapped in a situation)[/en][cn]无助(陷入了困境里)[/cn] [en]Hopelessness[/en][cn]绝望[/cn] 小编也来回答: 1、兰姆说,童年的朋友就像童年的衣裳,长大了就穿不Quora了了——那种无奈。 2、曾经热血冲动,曾经对这个世界的所有繁花似锦满心期待,曾经跃跃欲试不怕跌倒……最后对所有得失和惊奇都视若无睹的淡漠和冷静——那种被现实磨平棱角的麻木。 3、所有关于爱你的、恨你的、想你的事情,都被时间的灰尘掩没了——那种感伤。
。[/cn] [en]That is what I did.[/en][cn]我就是这么做的。[/cn] 英语君小结:拿到人生中的第一份薪水确实是一件非常美好的事情,因为在拿到薪水前我们会期待,会想象拿到薪水后购买各种东西的可能性。不过正如以上的几位Quora答友的建议,拿到薪水后我们可以做点有意义的事情,比如为身边的亲友准备一份小礼物,感谢他们一直以来的陪伴与关怀,也可以在能力范围内为有需要的人们施以援手,在别人感到快乐的同时,自己也能感到内心的暖流满满的。 (翻译:糖果姐姐)
, Harvard has quite a few celebrities enrolled at any given time and they have little to no impact on your time there other than friends, family, quora users, etc. asking if you saw them and what it was like. :)[/en][cn]一般而言,我知道那些见过她的人有着相似“她很坦率诚恳很脚踏实地”的感觉,而且觉得她人很好。另外,哈佛随时都有那么多名人入学,他们几乎不会对你的大学生活有什么影响,还不如你的朋友、家人、Quora用户等等。[/cn]
[en]What Does It Feel Like to Be Really Old Knowing Death Is [w]Imminent[/w]?[/en][cn]离死亡不远的老人都有哪些感受?[/cn] 获得165好评的回答@ Dee Dees [en]I think a better question would be "when is one old?" I just turned 70, look 55, feel 30, and have no [w=ache]aches[/w], pains, illnesses or physical problems of any kind. So while 70 sounds old to a 20-year-old, I cannot think of myself that way.[/en][cn]我觉得问题换成:“一个人什么时候才算老?”更好。我刚刚70岁,看起来像55岁,感觉自己才30,而且并没有任何病痛缠身。70岁让20出头的人听起来老,但我并不觉得自己老。[/cn] [en]My maternal grandmother lived to be 102. My paternal grandfather lived to be 99. I have good genes, so I figure I'll live another 30 to 40 years, barring any unforeseen incidents.[/en][cn]我的外祖母活到102岁,我的祖父活到99岁。我有这么好的基因,我认为我可以再活个三、四十年,除非发生不可预知的意外。[/cn] 获得162好评的回答@ Jason Loveman [en]It makes my heart glad to see all these answers on Quora of people in their 70s, 80s, and beyond. Because I used to think that at that age, you can't deal with change or technology -- but these people do and they use Quora to help those of us who will be approaching those ages soon enough.[/en][cn]很高兴可以在Quora看到七八十岁甚至更高龄的人的回答。因为我曾认为到了那个年纪,你就没有办法跟上变化和技术,但是这群人却可以,他们使用Quora来帮助我们这些即将踏上高龄的人。[/cn] [en]So I want to thank all the "old" posters here and I hope that when it's my turn, I can do the same for the next generation.[/en][cn]因此我想