• Quora精选:生活中最令人沮丧的真相

    [en]Q: What is the saddest truth about life?[/en][cn]生活中令人沮丧的真相是什么?[/cn] 获得9.5k好评的答案@Dushyant Bhati [en]Half the world's [w=starve]starving[/w]; the other half is trying to lose weight.[/en][cn]世界上有一半的人正在挨饿,另一半的人却在使劲减肥。[/cn] 获得7.4k好评的答案@Rakesh Swain [en]A pigment called Melanin, whose [w]concentration[/w] in your skin that you had no control of when you were born, is going to determine how you will be treated in society.[/en][cn]当你出生的时候,有一种名为“黑色素”的色素聚集在你的皮肤上,你根本无法控制,但是这将决定你会被社会如何对待。[/cn] 获得6.5k好评的答案@Kashi Viswanathan [en]No one will read your answer at the bottom of Quora if it's not [w=upvote]upvoted[/w].[/en][cn]如果没人给你点赞,就没有人会去看你沉在Quora底部的答案。[/cn] [en]Just like no one will remember us until we do something remarkable in their lives.[/en][cn]就像如果我们没有在他人生命中做出一些值得注意的事,那他们就不会记得我们。[/cn] 获得6.1k好评的答案@Shama Bhosale [en]There'll always be the last time you do something or meet someone, and you won't know that it was the last time.[/en][cn]总会有那么一次,是你最后一次做某事或是最后一次见某个人,而且那时你并不知道这是最后一次。[/cn] [en]The last time you played gully [w]cricket[/w] in your hometown.[/en][cn]最后一次在家乡玩板球。[/cn] [en]The last time all 5 of your best friend gang went on a trip.[/en][cn]最后一次和你最好的5个朋友结伴旅行。[/cn] [en]The last time you met the school teacher you liked the most.[/en][cn]最后一次见到你最喜欢的那个老师。[/cn] [en]The last time you slept in your room in the home you grew up in.[/en][cn]最后一次睡在你从小就住着的家里的卧室。[/cn] 获得3.9k好评的答案@Shilpa Deshwal [en]That your Parents are getting old every minute.[/en][cn]你的父母每时每刻都在衰老。[/cn] [en]And you can see it everytime you meet them after a gap of 3-4 months.[/en][cn]而你在每隔3到4个月的见面中,每次都会发现这一点。[/cn] [en]AND YOU CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT .[/en][cn]然而你却无能为力。[/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。

  • Quora精选:人生中的尴尬时刻


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  • 职场Quora精选:工作经验对于跳槽的意义

    本文选自Quora提问:“跳槽体验有哪些?”中的参考文章“5 emotional reasons it's great to change your career later in life" 。

  • Quora精选:这辈子让你思考最多的一句话


  • Quora精选:一生中最重要的技能

    做到诚实,那么在生活中,他们记得最牢的人是能给他们讲个好故事的人。在一生中你会遇到许许多多的人,但是你会忘记他们之中的大部分,却一直记住那些很会讲故事的人。[/cn] 获得4.3k好评的答案@Abhinav Krishna [en]Self-Discipline[/en][cn]自律[/cn] [en]The skill is to motivate oneself constantly and to never lose track of one's goals and to work constantly towards them. Mastering oneself is the key to achieving one's dreams and the only way one can master oneself is through self-discipline.[/en][cn]这种技能就是不停地激励自我、永远不会迷失自己的目标并且不停地朝着目标努力。自我控制是实现梦想的关键,而自律是我们控制自我的唯一方式。[/cn] 获得3.4k好评的答案@Shruti Chopade [en]The ability to accept.[/en][cn]接受的能力。[/cn] [en]Accept that life can't always be the way you want.[/en][cn]接受那并不尽如人意的生活。[/cn] [en]Accept that everyone in the world can't behave the way you want them to.[/en][cn]接受世界上每一个不按你希望来表现的人。[/cn] [en]Accept that you can't keep everyone happy.[/en][cn]接受你无法取悦每一个人。[/cn] [en]Accept that unrealistic goals can never be achieved.[/en][cn]接受不切实际的目标永远无法实现。[/cn] [en]Accept that you can't change things which are not in your hands.[/en][cn]接受你无法改变不为你掌握的事情。[/cn] [en]Accept that worrying won't do any good.[/en][cn]接受担心忧虑没有任何好处。[/cn] [en]Accept that your happiness lies in your hands.[/en][cn]接受你的幸福掌握在你自己手中。[/cn] [en]If we accept these, life will be much simpler.[/en][cn]如果我们能接受这些,生活将会简单得多。[/cn]  

  • Quora精选:你经历过哪些因祸得福

    , and the indestructible Cherry keyboard had a few keys missing and a dent in the middle of the metal pad.[/en][cn]那时我才知道发生了什么,我隔间上方拉着一个巨大办公室空调的链子断了,直接掉下来砸在我的座位上。电脑显示屏被砸成了两半,机箱上砸出了一个坑,超级结实的Cherry键盘丢了几个按键,金属桌板正中间凹了一块。[/cn] [en]The air conditioner had fallen at around 11 am, and I came to the office at 12 pm. Should I have come in on time that day, I would have never registered on Quora.[/en][cn]空调是11点左右掉下来的,我12点到的办公室。我那天要是准时上班就没机会注册Quora了。[/cn]  

  • Quora精选:聪明的老板一定懂得如何批评你
