- [职场&商务英语] Quora:找工作,该考虑哪些重要因素
hat are the important factors to consider hen you're searching for a job?找工作,该考虑哪些重要因素 Shannon Harrington答道: 1. It aries for eeryone, because people prioritize things diff
- [英语阅读] Quora精选:生活给你灌了哪些毒鸡汤?
hat Are Some of the Dark Lessons That Life Shoed You? 生活给你灌了哪些毒鸡汤? 获得16.6k好评的回答@anessa Ying 1. Neer tell people 100%, tell them 70% about yourself, and 30% should be hidden
- [英语阅读] Quora精选:在伦敦,有哪些事不应该做?
hat shouldn't I do in London?在伦敦,有那些事不应该做 获得34600 好评的回答@ Doug Gallagher: isit the Natural History Museum during the school holidays 在学校放假期间参观自然历史博物馆
- [英语阅读] Quora精选:貌美如花的人变老是什么感觉?
Ho does it feel to once be extremely gorgeous and pretty, gro old, and no no one pays attention to you?曾经貌美如花、沉鱼落雁,却慢慢老去,直到现在没人愿意看你一眼是什么感觉? 获得3.4k好评的回
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hat is the psychology behind someone's faorite color?从心理学上讲,我们为什么有最喜欢的颜色? 来自心理学学生 @Daid Lincoln Brooks 的回答: 1. Race种族 Art teacher and color theorist Jose
- [英语阅读] Quora精选:最令人难以接受的事实有哪些?
hat is the hardest truth?最令人难以接受的真相有哪些? Oais Raza: 1,No one actually caresabout you the ay that you think they do. It is human nature to be more self-inoled and orried about o
- [英语阅读] Quora精选:什么是钱能买到的最棒的东西?
- [英语阅读] Quora精选:发明冰箱以前 人类如何保存食物
Before Refrigerators ere Inented, Ho Did People Presere Their Food (Particularly Meat) So That It Didn't Spoil?在发明冰箱以前,人们是如何保存食物不致腐烂(尤其是肉类)? 获得6.2k好评的回答
- [英语阅读] Quora精选:什么样的人注定无法成功?
- [英语阅读] Quora精选:你觉得什么样的人值得尊重?