Owen: You get how lucky you are? You got out of Division with the woman you love. That's what I used to __(1)__ for me and Emily.

Michael: Yeah, I know what happened to Emily. I'm sorry. You know, when things like that happen, you feel like the sun should __(2)__ dark. The earth should stop __(3)__. But the world keeps going on around you.

Owen: Yeah, and you __(4)__ if it's a place worth living in. You and Nikita … Why are you still living this life? If I had a chance to do it over again, I'd just take off with Emily, you know. I wouldn't wait for the right moment, because that's when it happens, the __(5)__ you don't see coming.

want turn spinning wonder threat
欧文:知道你有多幸运吗?你和你心爱的女人逃出了组织,以前我和艾米丽也想那么干。 迈克尔:我知道艾米丽的遭遇,真遗憾。要是遇上那种不幸的事,你感觉太阳都是暗淡无光的,地球似乎都停止转动,但还不得不去面对生活。 欧文:是啊,让人感觉没什么活下去的价值了。你和尼基塔为什么还过着这种日子?要是我有从头再来的机会,我会立马和艾米丽远走高飞,不等合适的时机出现,因为就在等的过程中,预想不到得威胁就降临了。