Michael: What does Percy want you to tell me now?

Birkhoff: I just came to say good – bye.

Michael: Good – bye.

Birkhoff: Was it worth it?

Michael: What do you care?

Birkhoff: I just find it semi – disturbing that the one person I was supposed to be able to trust in here was lying to my face.

Michael: Trust?

Birkhoff: Yeah, trust! You know, we're supposed to be friends.

Michael: Yeah, I know you set me up, Birkhoff. Percy told you to __(1)__ me so I could fall into his trap. When you asked me what Operation Sparrow was, you already knew.

Birkhoff: No, I didn't.

Michael: You were dropping __(2)__, and I fell for it, because I decided to trust you.

Birkhoff: I didn't know it was a set – up, okay? Yes, Percy told me that you would be coming and he told me what to say. When I asked him why, he made it sound like it was one of his stupid little __(3)__ tests, okay?

Michael: You're not stupid, Birkhoff. You're just a coward. You know Percy is __(4)__, but you turn a __(5)__ eye to save your own skin. That's your choice, but you have to live with it.

Birkhoff: You know what? You even sound like her now.

Michael: That's because my eyes are open, Nikita's right.

Birkhoff: No, Nikita is dead!


bait breadcrumbs loyalty corrupt blind
迈克尔:珀西让你给我带什么话? 伯克霍夫:我只是来说再见的。 迈克尔:再见。 伯克霍夫:这值得吗? 迈克尔:关你什么事? 伯克霍夫:我本应该信任的人当着我的面撒谎,我有点伤心啊。 迈克尔:信任? 伯克霍夫:对,信任。我们本该是朋友。 迈克尔:我知道是你出卖我的,伯克霍夫。珀西让你做饵,好让我陷入他的圈套。你问我麻雀行动是什么的时候,你其实已经知道了。 伯克霍夫:不,我不知道。 迈克尔:你略施小计,我就上钩了,因为我决定相信你。 伯克霍夫:我不知道那是个圈套。没错,珀西告诉我你会来找我,他还告诉我应该说什么。我问他为什么,他说得像是又一个考验忠诚的愚蠢测试。 迈克尔:伯克霍夫,你不愚蠢,你就是个懦夫,你明知道珀西的腐败,你为求自保,故意视而不见,这是你的选择,但是自作孽不可活。 伯克霍夫:你知道吗?你现在说话也和她一样了。 迈克尔:因为这一切我看得很清楚,尼基塔是对的。 伯克霍夫:不,尼基塔已经死了!