Percy: Plainview, Pennsylvania. Population 7,500. A slice of small town Americana, the kind of place we're in the business of __(1)__. And the last place on earth anyone'd ever think to look for a black box.

Michael: Not even Nikita.

Percy: Let us be clear about this. There is only one reason why she succeeded in __(2)__ those two black boxes. Owen Elliot. Guardians are supposed to be perfect, and he was __(3)__ from it. When a component breaks down, the entire system needs to be reevaluated. Then and only then can the proper adjustments be made.

Michael: What kind of adjustments?

Percy: This is the Plainview guardian, Winters. I want you to surveil her. One 24-hour __(4)__. Do not initiate contact just make sure she's following protocol. Any behavior out of the ordinary, I want to hear about it.

Michael: I remember Winters.

Percy: Michael, this is __(5)__ one. I'm checking on all four guardians simultaneously, starting now.

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珀西:宾夕法尼亚州,普莱恩维尤,人口7500。美国一个不起眼的小镇,我们正努力保护的那一类地方,没人会想到黑盒会藏在那里。 迈克尔:尼基塔也不会想到。 珀西:我们先说清楚。她之所以能摧毁两个黑盒,原因只有一个。欧文•艾略特。守护者本该完美,他却背叛了我们。一个部件发生故障,整个系统都要重做。只有那个时候,才能做出适合的调整。 迈克尔:什么样的调整? 珀西:这是普莱恩维尤的守护者,温特斯。我要你去监视她,全天监视。别和她联系,只要确认她是否做好本职工作。一旦有非常行为,务必上报。 迈克尔:我记得温特斯。 珀西:迈克尔,这是第一优先级。同时,我会核查其余四位守护者,现在开始。