Michael: How's Alex feeling?

Nikita: What do you want? This place should be crawling with division agent, but you're here alone.

Michael: Why do you think that is?

Nikita: I hope it's because you've decided to leave division, Michael. You know I want you on my side.

Michael: Then why do you lie to me?

Nikita: About Alex? I was protecting her.

Michael: It's not about Alex. It's about Kasim.

Nikita: What?

Michael: You told me that you would help get the man who killed my family.

Nikita: I would.

Michael: You've had a way to do so for __(1)__, and you've done nothing.

Nikita: I don't know what you're talking about.

Michael: I know that you're working with Gogol.

Nikita: Gogol?

Michael: You __(2)__ think that I wouldn't find out that there's a connection between Gogol and Kasim?

Nikita: Michael, you are __(3)__.

Michael: No, I'm not. Kasim's group smuggles heroin through Chechnya. That is Gogol's territory. They're business partners.

Nikita: I mean about me. I don't work for Gogol.

Michael: You've worked for them __(4)__, at least.

Nikita: I didn't help them. I've stopped them. And now they hate me as much as Division does. Michael, please. I want you to get Kasim. And I wanted to be the one to help you do it. I wanted to be the one to help you do it, so that you could leave Division.

Michael: I've __(5)__ this all before.

Nikita: It's still true. You have to believe me.


months honestly mistaken twice heard
迈克尔:艾丽克丝怎么样了? 尼基塔:你想怎样?来的本应该是一大群组织的特工,但你却只身前来。 迈克尔:为什么你认为我是一个人来的? 尼基塔:我希望是因为你已决定离开组织了,你很清楚,我想和你并肩作战。 迈克尔:那你为什么骗我? 尼基塔:是艾丽克丝的事吗?我是在保护她。 迈克尔:不是因为艾丽克丝,是卡西姆。 尼基塔:什么? 迈克尔:你说过,你会帮我抓住杀害我家人的凶手。 尼基塔:我会的。 迈克尔:数月来,你一直有机会帮我,但是你什么都没做。 尼基塔:我不知道你在说什么。 迈克尔:我知道你在替果戈理做事。 尼基塔:果戈理? 迈克尔:你真认为我发现不了果戈理和卡西姆之间的关系吗? 尼基塔:迈克尔,你误会了。 迈克尔:不,我没有。卡西姆的团队经车臣走私海洛因,那是果戈理的地盘,他们是生意伙伴。 尼基塔:迈克尔,我是说你误会我了,我没有替果戈理做事。 迈克尔:你至少和他们合作过两次。 尼基塔:我没有帮他们,相反我搅黄了他们的好事,现在他们和组织一样视我为眼中钉。迈克尔,拜托。我非常希望你干掉卡西姆,我也愿意助你一臂之力。我愿意助你一臂之力,这样你就能离开组织。 迈克尔:又是老调重弹。 尼基塔:现在仍然算数。你必须相信我。