Engineer: What a mess.
Birkhoff: It's a sign of __(1)__.
Engineer: Not this. This.
Birkhoff: Got a lot on my mind. It's not every day Lord Sauron __(2)__ from mount doom and asks you to forge the one ring. Damn it. There's no way this codec is ever gonna fit the satellite bandwidth. Quantum key distribution is too __(3)__. You sure you wrote this?
Engineer: Are you sure you're not someone else? Percy says he plucked you from obscurity, that you're a diamond in the rough.
Birkhoff:Well, that's very cute. But I am not a spice girl, and I was never, ever obscure. I was __(4)__ and a little dangerous. I was a legend.
Engineer: Ah, a, uh, shadowwalker. Caused a little craziness at the Pentagon back in the day.
Birkhoff: I was making a __(5)__.
Engineer: But Sauron captured you, and now what? Well, are you still a legend?
genius steps down sophisticated elusive statement
古怪工程师:真是乱七八糟。 伯克霍夫:这是天才的标志。 古怪工程师:那不是,这才是天才的标志。 伯克霍夫:我思绪一片混乱,黑魔王索隆不是每天都会亲自下山让你帮他铸造一个举世无双的魔戒。见鬼。这个解码器根本没法匹配卫星宽带,量子密钥分布太诡异了。你确定这是你编的吗? 古怪工程师:你确定你是你自己吗?珀西说他提拔了你这个默默无闻的小卒,他认为你是块璞玉。 伯克霍夫:还真是贴心。但我不是什么辣妹,我不是默默无闻,我只是很谦逊,还有点危险,我是个传奇人物。 古怪工程师:哦,暗影行侠,当年在五角大楼疯的疯的有点出格了。 伯克霍夫:我当时在发表言论。 古怪工程师:但是魔王索隆抓住了你,那么,现在如何了?你还是传奇人物吗?