XNDk1MTgzODM2/ Nikita: Anna's dead. Mother: That's not possible. We haven't heard from anyone. Father: I'm calling Anna now. Mother: The police haven't called, nobody. Father: Honey, she'd not answering. Nikita: You won't __(1)__ the police. The people who did this are __(2)__ the law. Father: Well, what does that mean, "Above the law"? Mother: When did this happen? Nikita: Anna was __(3)__, by a man she knew, a U.S. senator. His name is Jack Kerrigan. He didn't want the __(4)__ to go public, so he had her killed. Father: What? Nikita: Listen, I want to help you get justice for Anna, but I need your help. She may have had a prenatal paternity test done. If she did, DNA from the test will prove the affair. The doctors might allow you, her parents, __(5)__the results.
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尼基塔:安娜去世了。 母亲:不可能。我们都没有得到消息。 父亲:我现在打给安娜。 母亲:警局没有给我们来过电话。 父亲:亲爱的,她没有接听。 尼基塔:你们不会从警局得到消息的,杀害她的人,其权利凌驾于法律之上。 父亲:什么意思?凌驾于法律之上? 母亲:这是什么时候的事? 尼基塔:安娜怀孕了,男方是她认识的一个美国参议员,叫杰克•凯瑞根。他不想风流韵事公诸于众,所以就要杀人灭口。 父亲:什么? 尼基塔:听我说,我想帮你们为安娜讨回公道,但我需要你们的帮助。也许她做过产前亲子鉴定,如果有的话,那么鉴定出来的基因便可证实这事。医生也许会允许你们,她的父母亲去拿鉴定结果。