
11.Of course. What kind of Christian would I be if I denied shelter to a friend in need?
——deny shelter to sb虽然deny本意为否定,但是也有refuse to let have的意思,这里指拒绝提供庇护

12.You’re about to make a fortune off us.
——make a fortune off sb 从谁身上发笔横财。

13.License and registration please. Ma’am, you know why I pulled you over?
——别警察拦住的时候往往要被检查的两样东西是license and registration/ pull over 让谁的车停在路边。

14.Doctor Albert Goldfine was the most accomplished marriage counsellor in the city. He had dealt with problems ranging from substance abuse, to infidelity, to domestic violence. Yes, Dr. Goldfine thought he had seen it all. And then, he met the Van De Kamp’s.
——accomplished实现的,只在本领域杰出的,对学者可以翻译为渊博的,对于医生可以翻译为妙手仁心的…/counsellor顾问,学校里提供咨询的人员,可以叫辅导员,也可以用这个词。/substance abuse药物滥用,也就是吸毒/ infidelity背信,不忠/domestic violence 家庭暴力

15.I’m gonna hafta ask you to step back now.
—— hafta-have to/ step back退一步,退到原位/ be gonna do-be going to do所以 gonna-going to

16.Okay. I’m not gonna give you a ticket. I’m just gonna let you off with a warning.
——let off 放过,不惩罚。Ticket是罚单,像卖票一样,拿票要付款的,只不过这是先拿票,然后持票到指定地点付款。欢迎有经验的人给个讲解。

17.Buckle up!——扣紧(安全带)

18.I’m not dumping you. Lately, you’ve been the only thing keeping me going.

19.Bree, you’ve spent most of the hour engaging in small talk.
——engage in从事/small talk闲扯,应酬

-REX: This is the thing you need to know about Bree. She doesn’t like to talk about her feelings. To be honest, it’s hard to know if she has any. Does she feel anger, rage, ecstasy? Who knows? She’s always… pleasant. And I can’t tell you how annoying that is. (BREE catches sight of a loose button on DR. GOLDFINE’s jacket. She stares at it, lost in thought as REX’s words start sounding distorted as she loses concentration in the conversation) Whatever she feels is so far below the surface that.. that no one can see… she uses all those domestic things..
-BREE: Oh, I..(looks lost for words)
-DR GOLDFINE: Is there some truth there? Do you use housework as a way to disengage emotionally?
——anger生气 rage盛怒 ecstasy狂喜 pleasant 令人愉快的
——domestic things家务事, Rex 的话到此为止,婚姻顾问的话简明地解释了Rex的一大段话的意思,他是在控诉他妻子use housework as a way to disengage emotionally 把家务活当作释放情绪的工具,即不需要其他的真情流露,家务活便成了掩饰感情的手段。
——Bree盯着那颗快要脱落的纽扣的时候,使得听到的声音都变得扭曲,很生动的描述了Bree 的毛病,也许主妇们都不得不选择像Bree一样完美地掩饰寂寞的方法,有些人最终无法再掩饰沮丧,最终选择自杀,但是很少有人能够做得像Bree这样完美,于是Bree变成了外人心中的旁样,只有她的家人才知道她承受的压力,可惜她对自己的家人也和对外人一样保持着距离,这点让她的家人厌倦。
