
-DR GOLDFINE: I’m sure Freud would not approve of this.
-BREE: Oh, who cares what he thinks? I took psychology in college, we learned all about Freud. A miserable human being. Well, think about it. He grew up in the late 1800’s, there were no appliances back then. His mother had to do everything by hand, just backbreaking work from sunup to sundown. Not to mention the countless other sacrifices she probably had to make to take care of her family. And what does he do? He grows up and becomes famous, peddling a theory that the problems of most adults can be traced back to something awful their mother has done. She must have felt so betrayed. He saw how hard she worked; he saw what she did for him. Did he even ever think to say, thank you? I doubt it. There you go.
——a miserable human being悲剧式的人物
——appliances 电器用具
——from sunup to sundown 从日出到日落
——backbreaking work 极其操劳的工作
——not to mention说了以上那么多,连后边这些还没有提到呢
——countless other sacrifices she had to make无数她不得不做的牺牲
——peddle 沿街叫卖散播peddle a theory是讽刺的说法
——trace back追溯
——Freud弗洛伊德, 奥地利心理学家,哲学家,精神分析学的创始人。他的和本集相关的理论是,他提出了受抑制的性爱经常会引起精神病或神经病这一学说(实际上这个学说并不是由弗洛伊德创立的,虽然他的著作为普及这个学说做出了许多贡献)。他还指出,性爱和性欲始于早期儿童时期而不是成年时期。他提出的概念和术语已被普遍使用── 例如,本我(Id),自我(Ego),超我(Super-Ego),恋母情绪(Oedipus complex)和死亡冲动(Death Drive或Death Instinct)。
——这段台词里,Bree 阐述了自己和弗洛伊德母亲一样,感到被背叛的感受,加上她慷慨地替这个连为他缝缝补补的人都没有的婚姻顾问缝补扣子,终于感化了婚姻顾问。

32.For the first time, Lynette could see this was not the innocent play of children. She was being challenged. So she decided it was time to get creative.
——innocent用于为罪人辩护时,表示无辜的,而在这里指天真无邪的;小甜甜布莱尼的oops, I did it again中唱到I’m not that innocent则是说我没那么幼稚,是消极意义的天真。

33. Listen, uh, it seems to me that you have some anger management issues.
——anger management issues难以自控愤怒情绪的问题 issues在这里表示problems

34.Cost me an arm and a leg. It’s got GPS navigation通用雷达导航设备, 200-watt stereo system, rear尾部 parking sensors传感器.
——cost an arm and a leg 付出过高的代价

35.Gabrielle could see what this gesture had cost Carlos, so she responded the only way she knew how. She had a feeling the truth would’ve been lost on her husband anyway. After all, it’s the rare man who understands the value of a single, perfect rose.

36.I hope you don’t mind, I thought I’d come by early and help you set up.

-SUSAN: Mm, that’s Mr. Mullin. And just so you know, if he invites you in, you have to meet all of his pets.
-MIKE: That’s okay, I love animals.
-SUSAN: He’s a taxidermist.  

38.In the distance, Susan thought she heard a bell ring. Round one had started…It was everything Susan could do to keep a smile on her face. Round two was under way, and she was already taking a beating. What Edie hadn’t counted on was Susan had someone else in her corner…Susan was furious at Edie for using a dog to ingratiate herself with its owner…She was also furious with Mike for not seeing through this blatant manoeuvre. But mostly, she was furious at herself for not having thought of it first…And just like that, Susan could suddenly see something she’d never seen before. Mike Delfino was still in love with his late wife. And she knew right then, that neither she nor Edie would be laying claim to his heart anytime soon. So, she decided, for now, she could settle for just being his friend.
——in the distance在远处
——Round one has started,第一回合的较量已经开始了,所以她听到了a bell ring
——be under way进行中
——take a beating 挨打
——counte( sth )on 考虑到
——have someone else in her corner 有统一战线的帮手
——be furious with / at sb for sth由于什么而狂怒
——see through看透,识破
——blatant manoeuvre明目张胆的作战计划太明显的伎俩
——late wife 亡妻ex wife才是前妻
——lay claim to要求主张 lay claim to one’s heart 指使自己的话深入他的心,打动他的心
——settle for 对什么感到满足,满足与此

39.Yes, as I look back at the world I left behind, it’s all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But, people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It’s a shame, really. There’s so much to see.
——unveil 揭开
——long to do 渴望去做long在这里是动词表渴望
