
1.An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. Taste, touch, smell and sound become a distant memory. But our sight, ah, our sight expands. And we can suddenly see the world we’ve left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what’s visible to the dead can also be seen by the living, if they only take the time to look.
——这段并非鬼魂知识普及教育,它不是告诉我们人死了,虽然各种感官消失殆尽,唯独视野开阔了,能更清楚地看清周遭。而是在说,当人可以花时间把自我置之度外了,再去看待一切,事情就会变得明了。所以这里有这一句 what’s visible to the dead can also be seen by the living,灵魂能看见的事物对生者也是可观察的,if only 要是…多好,要是她们能花些气力去观察就好了。

2.Like my friend Gabrielle. I should’ve seen how unhappy she was. But I didn’t. I only saw her clothes from Paris; And her platinum jewellery; And her brand new diamond watch. Had I looked closer, I’d’ve seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman, desperately in search of a life raft. Luckily for her, she found one. Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement. But now, she was about to discover just how exciting her life could get. Gabrielle was panicked. She knew if her husband discovered her secret, she would feel the full force of his wrath. But she was quickly reminded that what Carlos couldn’t see, couldn’t hurt her.
——I should have done我早该做,表示后悔。这段描述了Gaby绝望生活。As a way to infuse her life with a little excitement 当作一种为她生活注入兴奋元素的途径。In full force 充分发挥 wrath 愤怒, the full force of one’s wrath很优美的对于勃然大怒的表达。

3.The peaceful façade of Wisteria Lane had recently been shattered. First by my suicide, and then by the discovery of a note among my belongings that suggested a suspicious reason for my desperate act. My friends gathered to discuss its implications.
——façade 字母c之下有一个重音符号,说明这是一个来自法语的外来语,表示建筑物的正面,引申为事物的表象。The peaceful façade had been shattered. 表面的宁静被打碎。Implication 这个词在很多美剧里都会使用,可能因为连续剧中却少不了无法言明的情节吧,所以人们用imply去暗示,而暗示出叫implication的东西,即含义。

4.My friends were right to be concerned. They knew that every family has its secrets. And as my son and husband could’ve told them, you need to think carefully before digging them up. ——be concerned 关心的 dig sth up挖掘出来

5.After talking for hours, my friends still hadn’t agreed on what to do with the note. So, they decided to talk about it in the morning after a good night’s rest. But no one could fall asleep that night. They each kept thinking of my suicide, and how terribly alone I must’ve felt. You see, loneliness was something my friend’s understood all too well. —— 最后这句倒出绝望主妇们绝望的症结,就是寂寞。物质得到了极大地满足,而心灵还处于饥渴状态。所以,没有了物质的匮乏感,对于寂寞,这些资产阶级上流社会的主妇们理解的很深刻。有些影评里戏谑道,这部戏给了千千万万一心向往美国中产阶级生活的第三世界国家的人们一针安慰剂,原来美国中产阶级的生活如此不幸啊。那只是戏谑而已。其实这部戏是要告诉人们,人生无论多么辉煌,都是伴随着孤独的痛苦的,人人都逃脱不了孤独。而我们这样第三世界国家的劳动人民,又何尝不是挣扎在物质和心灵都极大的得不到满足的生活之中呢。这哪里是安慰?

6.Susan awoke that night alone and parched. And as she gazed out her window, she saw the tall drink of water she needed to quench her thirst.
——parched本意是烤焦的,引申为心里煎熬的,或者口渴的,饥渴的,所以后来把Mick比喻成drink of water是很呼应的/ gaze out window 从窗口往外凝望/ quench one’s thirst解渴

-CARLOS: I know you’re awake.
-GABRIELLE: I know you’re a jerk.
When a man buys a woman expensive jewelery, there are many things he may want in return. For future reference, conversation ain’t one of ‘em.——in return作为回报/ for future reference仅供参考,尽管有many things,可是谈心却 not one of them,很犀利的黑色幽默。

8. Be the way you used to be, surprise me, take my breath away.——take one’s breath away使人吃惊或高兴地说不出话来。

-MIKE: Oh, you invite them over for a home-cooked meal and you order takeout.
-SUSAN: Yeah, it’s sort of a new tradition. I’m working out the kinks.
——Invite sb over to one’s house 请客/home-cooked meal 和 takeout ordered是一对反义词/new tradition新传统,请新邻居来家里吃外卖,比起请新邻居来家里吃家常菜来说,是一项创新传统/ work out the kinks 指请人来家里吃外卖就是Susan一直以来用以解决这些别扭(自己不会做饭还不得不请客)的手法。

10.Julie was glad Susan was rekindling her love life. Of course, she was unaware of her mother’s recent track record with fire.
——rekindle one’s love life 重新燃起感情生活的热情/track record with fire纵火的记录
