• 初中英语写作如何审题

    以使写作思路清晰,避免在卷面上出现涂改现象,同时还可以节约时间。 3.依纲据点,扩展成文 列出写作提纲之后,就可以着手写了。要注意把题目要求的东西无一遗漏地写进去,以确保内容的完整。同时,对于与要求无关的内容切忌任意发挥,画蛇添足。这一步是整个写作过程的关键环节。 三、初中英语写作技巧 1.阅读出色英文范文 阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 2.加强练词造句训练 词句对作文相当于造房的材料,没有好材料就造不出好房子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。平时练习中初中英语作文出现的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。 了解英语写作格式还有,要了解英语写作

  • 初中英语作文主体段落怎么写

    初中英语该怎么学习呢?一切都要以中考英语考试的标准来要求自己,在英语作文似的比较:   in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner   相反的比较:   on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with …, …   三、换言之   没话说了,可以换一句话再说,让你的文章在多一些字,或者文邹邹地说,是让读者更充分的理解你的观点。   实际就是重复重复再重复!下面的句子实际上就三个字 I love you!   I am enthusiastic about you. That is to say, I love you.   I am wild about you. In other words, I have fallen



  • 初中英语作文精彩句型收藏

    初中英语作文要怎么入手,不同的学生有不同的方法,但是多看看范文经典句型总是有好处的。下面就是初中英语满分作文定做...    make up one`s mind to do  下定决心做...    表示想 / 希望   want to do = would like to do  想做    hope to do  希望做...    expect to do  期待着做...    wish to do  希望做...    consider doing  考虑做...    只加doing作宾语的动词   finish  完成 / practice  练习 / suggest  建议 / consider 考虑 / mind 介意 / enjoy 喜欢 *doing固定搭配    look forward to doing  盼望做...    keep on doing  坚持做...    dream of doing  梦想做...    can`t help doing  情不自禁做...    keep/stop



  • 初中英语作文万能句子整理




  • 如何提升初中英语写作能力

    优美生动。还有要根据题目或所给情景写文章练笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助。 2.加强听力训练,促进写作 目前英语听力教材使用的具体做法是:事先提出每节课的生词,教师领读几遍。排除生词障碍后,第一遍让学生在课后反复听课文内容,并逐字逐句写下。每周星期五布置,星期一用课堂时间,教师将初中英语该文念一、二遍,让学生听写,然后教师收上来查阅,加以评讲。通过这种训练,可以提高学生的听力水平和表达能力。 三、教师如何知道学生英语作文 指导作文对于学生英语学习能力的提高也是十分重要的。那么什么是指导作文呢?指导作文从其本意上来说,就是教师通过对学生英语作文的引导和帮助,让学生知道自己

  • 初中英语作文:自我介绍

    初中英语作文:自我介绍 I'm 13 years old and I live in the city of Zhaoqing. I study very well.   I have a sister.Everyone loves us.But they often compare my brother with me.This makes me angry.I don't want to be like my brother. I only want to be myself.   I am active girl.I like sports very much.I am good at swimming.I also like riging a bike.Because my home is far from school,I ride to school everyday.   I'm kind-hearted.If you need help,please come to me.I'll try my best to give help to you.I hope we can be friend.     自我介绍   我十三岁,家住在肇庆市,我学习很好。   我有个姐姐,每个人都喜欢我们,但他们经常把我门俩相比,这让我很生气,我不想像我姐,我只想做我自己。   我是个活泼的女孩,非常喜欢运动,擅长游泳,也喜欢骑自行车。由于家离学校远,我每天都骑车上学。   我是个热心肠,如果你需要帮助就来找我吧,我会尽力帮你,希望我们成为好朋友。

  • 初中英语从句

    初中英语有三大从句:名词性从句,形容词性从句(定语从句),以及副词性从句(状语管你是谁,你都不能从这里通过。 注:表示“虽然”的 though, although 不可与 but 连用,但可与 yet, still 连用。 五、原因状语从句 1. 引导原因状语从句的从属连词主要有because, as, since, seeing (that), now (that)等: They can’t have gone out because the light’s on. 他们不可能出去了,因为灯还亮着。 Since you are going, I will go. 既然你去,我也去。 Now that we are alone, we can speak freely. 现在我们单独在一起,可以随便谈了。 2. 除以上提到的大家比较熟悉的引导原因状语从句的从属连词外,when有时也可引导原因

  • 初中英语作文热点话题万能句子学习

      初中英语的写作是很多学生头疼的地方,一方面自己的英语水平不够,另一方面写出的东西平淡简单得高分困难。如何让自己在面对中考英语的时候还能游刃有余呢?不妨来看看下面的初中英语作文万能句子,为你的作文增光添彩吧!   1、环保   1. It‘s our duty to protect our environment.   2. It is very important to take care of our environment   3. We should not throw litter onto the ground   4. We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees   5. We should plant more flowers and trees.   6. We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin   7. If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.   2、旅游   1. Last Sunday (Saturday), it was sunny (rainy, windy, foggy)   2. I got up very early (late)。 After breakfast I went to …with my friends by bike, bus,…   3. We enjoyed ourselves.   4. We forgot the time. We didn‘t come back until 5 o‘clock.   5. We all felt very tired, but we were happy.   6. I thought I would never forget this trip.   7. Last summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays.   8. We visited a lot of places of interest.   9. We had a good time there.   10. We bought a lot of things. The clothes here are good and cheap.   3、比赛   1. Last Sunday, Class One had a football match with Class Two.   2. All of us went to watch it.   3. The match was very exciting.   4. In fact, I have never seen such an exciting match before.   5. The score was 5-3. Our team scored three goals in the last fifteen minutes.   6. Class One won this match. Class Two lost.   7. Class One played well. They deserved to win.   8. Their PE teacher was very pleased with their performance.   4、健康   1. It is very important to keep healthy.   2. How can we keep healthy?   3. We can‘t go to sleep too late. We can‘t get up too late.   4. We should eat the food healthily.   5. We should do more exercise.   6. Last Tuesday I got a cold and had a pain in my head.   7. I didn‘t feel like eating anything.   今年的中考已经过去,明年的还会再来,只初中英语的写作是很多学生头疼的地方,一方面自己的英语要你是要面对这项考试的学生都要拿出自己最大的能力,积累更多的知识,不荒废宝贵的时间。我们都清楚时光一去不再来,人生也是如此,面对中考,沪江小编希望大家能够把自己所学的知识都运用到位。



  • 初中英语作文范文欣赏:写人叙事类

      初中阶段,英语作文的要求还不是那么困难,但是对于初中生来说这已经是不小的难度了。那么该怎么办呢?怎样才能写出好的作文呢,不断的练习与思考是必须的。当然还可以背诵一些英语范文,下面就是初中英语关于写人叙事类的作文范文,来看看吧!   ❖ 好句积累   【开头句】   1. Today I am glad to introduce a teenager. His name is Cheng Xin.   2. I'm Li Hua and I'm very happy to stand here to talk about myself.   3. There is always



  • 初中英语写作要点锦囊


