【飞天大盗】S01E05(6) 神秘女人
有的东西给了她,只保留了温泉疗养连锁旅馆。 好的,告诉我关于绘画的事。她每周去艺术班两次,痴迷于绘画。 我想我要开始喜欢绘画了。 好,你得小心点,阿尔伯特,因为她是个真正的心理高手。 爱迪,你在做什么? 找这种《查令十字街》上提到的老式鸡尾酒。天使的乳头,你要来一杯吗? 不,谢谢。 难以置信,纯粹娱乐的时间。阿尔伯特年轻是就是玩“康格里夫”的老手。他能像猪嗅出菌一样找到满怀抱负心的女人。 哦,好厉害的人! 失大写 希望大陪了。 阿什,你去哪里? 出去。 你离开是去找某个神秘女人? 是啊,阿什,我们对她不够好吗? 他去哪里? 那是他的事。 我想知道阿尔伯特进行得如何了。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
【飞天大盗】S01E04(49) 那就由我来吧
戳我回顾上期节目 Hints: 视听一句,采用英式拼写,首字母需大写 希望大家不大写 希望大要把整句答案回复在交流区,谢谢配合O(∩_∩)O Go on. Turn around. Go easy. All right, all right, do what you want. So hold on, you didn't take any money? No, I didn't, mate. But you know what? ________________________. Thanks, guys. Well, just must have been me then. You? Expenses. You're the thief. Hey, Danny, one each. Except, well, I've got two. Come on. Thief. I'm shocked and a little bit upset that you thought that I did 继续。 转身。 冷静点。好了,做你想做的。 等等,你居然没拿钱? 不,我没有,伙计,但你知道吗?你们这么想我感到吃惊,也有点生气。谢谢,伙计们。 好吧,那就由我来吧。 你? 酬劳。 你是小偷。 给,丹尼,一人一叠。 除了,我有两叠。 加油。 小偷。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
【飞天大盗】S01E04(40) 各就各位
戳我回顾上期节目 Hints: 视听一句,采用英式拼写,首字母需大写 希望大家不大写 希望大要把整句答案回复在交流区,谢谢配合O(∩_∩)O Which will bring you to this door. By that time, Albert will just be arriving to meet Maher. _______________________. If Maher's as smart as Albert says he is, it won't take him long to figure it out. From this point, he'll be running. That will give you three and a half minutes. All right? We know they'll be coming in, nothing we can do about that. So they'll be using this direction to get out. You understand me? This direction, so you stay alert. We'll be one step ahead. You guys should be in position by this time 会把你引向这扇门。到那时,阿尔伯特回去见Maher,这时候所有人都要就位。如果Maher真的如阿尔伯特所说的那么聪明,他很快就会发现。这样一来,他就会行动。你有三分半钟。行吗? 我们知道他们会进来,我们什么办法都没有。所以他们会从这个方向出去,你明白我的意思吗?这个方向,所以你们给我看好。我们要抢先一步。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
【飞天大盗】S01E01(24) 有舍才有得
戳我回顾上期节目 Hints: 语气词无需听写 第三句有一逗号 句首首字母大写,无需序号和标点符号,每句句子占一行 Mickey: Dropped dead in the Post Office three days before his 60th birthday, he was paying his phone bill. Danny: I'm sorry. Mickey: Yeah. Me, too. _____1____? Do you? Then go ahead, go on, go do that. _____2_____. _________3_________.
【飞天大盗】S01E01(19) 诈骗守则
戳我回顾上期节目 小编按: 小洁在此祝大家蛇年大吉、学业进步/工作顺利、身体健康~\(≧▽≦)/~新的一年里还望大家继续支持本节目,和小洁一起努力哦~~ Hints: 以音频为准,视频最后几句话因切割不好的原因没了o(╯□╰)o小洁技术有限,请见谅 句首首字母大写,无需序号和标点符号,每句句子占一行 Mickey: Gentlemen, come in. Come in. Take a seat. Peter: Thank you, Helen. Danny: Sorry, I'm late, guys. Ran into an old friend. Mickey: Gentlemen
【飞天大盗】S01E01(1) 放长线
Hints: fiddle (注意变形) Albert 句首首字母大写,无需序号和标点符号,每句句子占一行 Ash: It's the only game in town. If they're not eating a hamburger, or ___1___, they're on the phone. No one watches the road anymore. Cheers, Eddie. So what about you? How was it? Mickey: A new experience, one that I don't care to repeat. Ash
【飞天大盗】S01E04(25) 共鸣
要把整句答案回复在交流区,谢谢配合O(∩_∩)O And that's what's in the vault? Yeah, _____________________. That's why I have to do this now. Only if what you say about them updating the alarm system is true, I can't do it on my own. Really, do you know what it's like to watch your father die? Watch your whole family, everything you've ever known and loved disintegrate in a second? My dad worked, ate, and slept, paid his taxes on time, toed the line. The only dream he had was retiring. Worked himself to death three days before his 60th birthday. Everybody has to serve someone. Even you. but they're moving it the day after tomorrow 保险箱里面就是这个? 是的,但明天他们就会换地方。这大写 希望大就是为什么我迫不及待现在就要干。除非,你所说的,他们警报系统已经更新是真的,我就不能单干了。 你知道亲眼看着自己父亲死是什么感受吗?眼睁睁看着整个家,你熟悉和深爱的刹那间消失。 我父亲准时工作,吃饭,睡觉,纳税,循规蹈矩。他唯一的梦想就是好好退休。他一直工作到死知道他60岁生日前三天。 每个人都得服从于某人。即使是你也不例外。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
飞天大盗剧中我们会一窥他的这宗骗局。继而他将从澳大利亚回国,但却发觉自己的队伍已经不复存在了。所以同全剧第一季相似,Mickey得重新招兵买马。接着Ash回来了,Albert回来了,连酒吧里的Eddie也回来了。但是不会有Danny,而Jaime Murray去拍Dexter了,所以我们也就没有Stacie咯。这样我们自然而然得需要一些个新人,那正是第五季第一集中将带来的惊喜。会有很多曲折离奇的事情发生哦! 沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中 (图:Hustle第五季归来,缺了Danny和Stacie的团队能否从新人中找到原有的感觉?) 英国BBC剧集《飞天大盗》老实人被骗 Almost two years later, the [w]con[/w] is back on. The Hustle gang return for a much-[w]anticipated[/w] fifth series in the New Year - and Mickey Bricks (Adrian Lester) is firmly back in charge.
【飞天大盗】S01E02(29) 要跟他的心说
戳我回顾上期节目 Hints: 无需听写语气词 句首首字母大写,无需序号和标点符号,每句句子占一行 Mickey: You've got to pick it up, Dan. You're talking to this guy about money. _____1_____, he's not fazed by it. You're offering him something he's already got. You've gotta think about _____2_____. What can you give him _____3______? Don't talk to his head, talk to his heart. Emotion not reason. Think. Danny: You like the movies, Frank? Frank: _____4______. Danny: You like Cagney? Frank: Of course. _________5_________. Danny: You like Cagney? He's surrounded by money what brought us this far that he can't get anywhere else Since I was a kid Best song and dance man in the business 米奇:你要认识到一件事情,丹尼。你在跟这个家伙谈钱。他被钱所包围,而不是被钱困扰。你给他的是一些他已经有的东西。你要想想什么能带给我们比钱更多的。你能不能给他一些他从其他地方所得不到的东西?不要跟他的头脑说话,要跟他的心去说,是情感而不是理智。想想吧。 丹尼:你喜欢电影,弗兰克? 弗兰克:打我还是个孩大子时起。 丹尼:你喜欢卡格内? 弗兰克:当然。电影中最好的歌者和舞者。 丹尼:你喜欢卡格内? 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>