



And that's what's in the vault?

Yeah, _____________________. That's why I have to do this now. Only if what you say about them updating the alarm system is true, I can't do it on my own.

Really, do you know what it's like to watch your father die? Watch your whole family, everything you've ever known and loved disintegrate in a second?

My dad worked, ate, and slept, paid his taxes on time, toed the line. The only dream he had was retiring. Worked himself to death three days before his 60th birthday.

Everybody has to serve someone. Even you.

but they're moving it the day after tomorrow
保险箱里面就是这个? 是的,但明天他们就会换地方。这就是为什么我迫不及待现在就要干。除非,你所说的,他们警报系统已经更新是真的,我就不能单干了。 你知道亲眼看着自己父亲死是什么感受吗?眼睁睁看着整个家,你熟悉和深爱的刹那间消失。 我父亲准时工作,吃饭,睡觉,纳税,循规蹈矩。他唯一的梦想就是好好退休。他一直工作到死知道他60岁生日前三天。 每个人都得服从于某人。即使是你也不例外。