



Mickey: You've got to pick it up, Dan. You're talking to this guy about money. _____1_____, he's not fazed by it. You're offering him something he's already got. You've gotta think about _____2_____. What can you give him _____3______? Don't talk to his head, talk to his heart. Emotion not reason. Think.

Danny: You like the movies, Frank?

Frank: _____4______.

Danny: You like Cagney?

Frank: Of course. _________5_________.

Danny: You like Cagney?

He's surrounded by money what brought us this far that he can't get anywhere else Since I was a kid Best song and dance man in the business
米奇:你要认识到一件事情,丹尼。你在跟这个家伙谈钱。他被钱所包围,而不是被钱困扰。你给他的是一些他已经有的东西。你要想想什么能带给我们比钱更多的。你能不能给他一些他从其他地方所得不到的东西?不要跟他的头脑说话,要跟他的心去说,是情感而不是理智。想想吧。 丹尼:你喜欢电影,弗兰克? 弗兰克:打我还是个孩子时起。 丹尼:你喜欢卡格内? 弗兰克:当然。电影中最好的歌者和舞者。 丹尼:你喜欢卡格内?