像我是一个海盗吗? They swept the seas of pirates. 他们消灭了海盗。caribbean是什么意思: n. 加勒比海;加勒比人 adj. 加勒比海的 A magician worked on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. 一位魔术师在加勒比海的一条巡游船上工作。 she decided to go for a Caribbean cruise instead. 她决定乘船巡游加勒比海。 The proceeds of the robbery is laundered through a bank in the Caribbean. 抢劫来的钱通过加勒比海地区一家银行“洗烫”使其貌似合法。captain是什么意思: n. 船长,指挥,海军上校,首领,队长,上尉 v. 做首领;指挥,率领 The vice captain leads the team when the captain is ill. 队长有病时,副队长领队。 He was gazetted as captain vice Captain Jones promoted. 公加勒比海盗的英文: Pirates of the Caribbean 例句: Captain Jack Sparrow may be in need of the anti-ageing qualities of the fountain of eternal youth he's searching for in Pirates Of The Caribbean. 在电影《加勒比海盗报上刊载他被任为上尉以代替迁升的琼斯上尉。 They piped the captain on board. 他们以笛声欢迎船长登船。 到沪江小D查看加勒比海盗的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 加勒的英文怎么说>> 加拉人的英语怎么说>> 加宽用英语怎么说>> 加快转变政府职能的英文怎么说>> 加快生态文明制度建设的英语怎么说>>
2012-06-30 -
加勒比海盗5 正式定名 并推迟上映
加勒比海盗迟了第五部的发行日期,表示影片将于2015年7月10日上映。现已在全球总共赚得37亿美元的特许权费。[/cn] [en][w=plague]Plagued[/w] by [w]script[/w] delays, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales", which returns Johnny Depp to his signature role as Captain Sparrow, is now [w]adrift[/w] without an [w]ETA[/w] on when filming could begin.[/en][cn]因剧本延误而受阻,《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》现在还不能预计开拍的时间。约翰尼·德普饰演的标志性角色杰克·斯帕罗船长届时将强势回归。[/cn]
就是我交给他们的任务。”[/cn] [en]Unverified news that Depp would not be in the reboot surfaced in October during a red carpet interview in which the original film's screenwriter, Stuart Beattie, called Depp's time on the franchise "a great run”.[/en][cn]在一场红地毯采访中,原版电影的编剧斯图尔特比蒂说和德普共同制作这个系列的日子很开心,此后德普不会重新参加新电影拍摄的谣言就传开了。[/cn] [en]Depp has played the role of Sparrow in five films across 14 years, which have accumulated box office takings of over $4.5 billion, making it the twelfth biggest franchise of all time.[/en][cn]德普在14年间的五部电影中扮演了船长的角色,累计票房收入超过45亿美元,成为有史以来第12大系列电影。[/cn] (翻译:Jen)
会把它交给我们。[/cn] [en]Would you just...stay out of it.[/en][cn]你能不能...别插手。[/cn] [en]There be dangers along the way.[/en][cn]沿途危险重重。[/cn] 解析:along the way,沿途 [en]Firstly, [w]mermaid[/w], [w=zombie]zombies[/w], blackbeard, the pirate all pirates fear.[/en][cn]首先,是人鱼,僵尸,还有令所有海盗都害怕的海盗黑胡子。[/cn] [en]If I didn't make it for fountain, neither will you.[/en][cn]如果我找不到青春之泉,你也找不到。[/cn] 解析:这是一个虚拟语气。 [en]Is that it? I think so. It had begun. Again![/en][cn]就这样?我想是。已经开始了。再来![/cn] [en]Are we not King's man? How is it we can never meet without you pointing something at me?[/en][cn]难道我们不是国王的臣民?怎么我们每次见面你都拿着武器指着我。[/cn] 解析:这句话又是个双重否定,大家翻译的时候当肯定句就行了。 [en]There is the Jack I know.[/en][cn]那就是我认识的Jack。[/cn] [en]You know the feeling that you get, when you stand on a high place, suddenly has to a jump?[/en][cn]你知道你站在高处突然往下跳的感觉吗?[/cn] [en]I don't have it. Did everyone see that? Because I will not redo it again.[/en][cn]我没有过。大家都看清楚了吗?因为我可不会再做一次了。[/cn] 沪江小编:因为预告片都是整部电影精彩部分的剪辑,要加勒比海盗听懂预告片的内容,不仅要有一定的词汇量和听力水平,更需要将听到的内容和画面结合的能力。有时候单听着觉得觉得莫名其妙的一句话,跟画面内容和上下文结合到一起,就会其义自见喽。喜欢的同学们可以根据预告片自己试试哦。
[en]Disney and Johnny Depp may be getting ready to set sail again as the Mouse House has tapped "Catch Me if You Can" scribe Jeff Nathanson to pen "Pirates of the Caribbean 5."[/en][cn]迪士尼(Disney)公司已敲定由电影《逍遥法外》(Catch Me if You Can,又译猫鼠游戏)的编剧杰夫·内桑森(Jeff Nathanson)为《加勒比海盗5》(Pirates of the Caribbean 5)撰写剧本。看来迪士尼和约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)正为下一次的扬帆远航做准备呢。[/cn] [en]Jerry Bruckheimer is producing with Depp set to return as Captain Jack Sparrow.[/en][cn]杰瑞·布鲁克海默(Jerry Bruckheimer,著名制片人)正在与德普协商、安排杰克·斯帕罗船长(Captain Jack Sparrow)的回归事宜。[/cn] [en]Plot details are unknown, and it's not clear whether thesps from past [w=installment]installments[/w], like Geoffrey Rush or Keira Knightley, would return to reprise their roles.[/en][cn]片方尚未透露电影的具体情节;至于前几部的演员如杰弗里·拉什(Geoffrey Rush)或凯拉·奈特利(Keira Knightley)这次是否会出演,也尚无确切消息。[/cn] [en]The "Pirates of the Caribbean" [w]franchise[/w] has grossed more than $3.5 billion worldwide with the 2011 "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" grossing more than $1 billion worldwide.[/en][cn]《加勒比海盗》系列电影在全球范围内已
住了其中商机,推出了一系列六款限量版亮漆色指甲油,和一款银色裂纹指甲油。这一系列配合将配合的第四部电影由约翰尼·德普与佩内洛普·克鲁兹领衔[/cn] [en]The Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides collection includes:[/en] [cn]《加勒比海盗4:陌生的潮汐》系列甲油包括了以下
《加勒比海盗4》确定引进 5月20日同步上映
剧情来源于新浪娱乐)[/cn] [en]Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End was released in China in June of 2007, in the pre-3D era here and without the benefit of a lead-in from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, which was banned for its supernatural themes. Nonetheless, Pirates 3 grossed over 120 million yuan (about $18.3 million today).[/en][cn]《加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头》2007年6月在中国上映,当时还没有3D电影,也没有《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》的积累效应(该部电影由于涉及超自然主题未能在中国上映),但《加勒比海盗3》当时仍然取得了超过1.2亿元(约1830万美元)的票房总收入。[/cn] [en]The Pirates name has proven itself one of the most [w]lucrative[/w] film franchises of the 21st century, taking in a combined total of more than $2.6 billion in box office returns worldwide.[/en][cn]《加勒比海盗》已是新世纪最赚钱的影片系列之一,全球仅电影票房收入就超过了26亿美元。[/cn]
领着“黑珍珠”号在加勒比海上肆无忌弹,绑架了总督的女儿伊莉莎白·斯万——因为这个女孩的脖子上佩带着一枚神秘金币。和伊莉莎白青梅竹马的铁匠学徒威尔·特纳,眼看自己心爱的女孩被海盗抓走,悲愤不已。威尔为了救回深爱的女孩伊莉莎白,杰克为了夺回原本属于自己的“黑珍珠号”,驾驶着"拦截号"军舰迅速向"黑珍珠"追去。 【选词片段】 Jack: That’s the second time. I’ve had to watch the man sail away with my ship. Swann: But you were marooned on this island before. We can escape the same way you did. Jack: To what point and purpose, young missy. The black pearl is gone. Unless you have a rudder and sails hidden in that bodice. Unlikely, young Mr. Turner will be dead long before you can reach him. Swann: But you’re captain Jack Sparrow. You vanished from seven agents of the East India company. You sacked Naaaau Port without even firing a shot. Are you the pirate I’ve read about or not? How did you escape last time? Jack: Last time. I was here three days, all right! Last time the rumrunners used this island as a cache come by, and I was able to barter passage off. From the looks of things, they’ve long been out of business. Probably have your bloody friend. Norrington to thank for that. Swann: So that’s it, then? That’s the secret grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow? You spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum? 知识点详见下页~ 【知识点】 away 杰克和斯旺被巴博萨丢到无人的小岛上,杰克说,这是第二次我看着别人开走我的船。斯旺说到,但是你曾经成功逃走了,我们这次也可以像上次那样逃走。杰克失望地说,亲爱的小姐,我的黑珍珠号已经没有了。Sail away的意思是远航,向远处驶去。 from 杰克绝望地对斯旺说,除非能找到一艘船,不然,我们赶到去救他的时候他早就死了。斯旺说,你是杰克船长啊,你曾经从东印度公司七个水手手里逃走,你还是我认识的那个海盗吗?你上次是如何逃跑的?vanish from是从……消失的意思,杰克从水手手里面逃走。 on 杰克说到上次他被丢到这个小岛的往事,他在这里待了三天,上次,几个酒贩从这里经过,我求了他们几次,他们才答应让他离开。但现在,看海盗最活跃的加勒比海。变成了不死骷髅的巴伯萨,率领着“黑珍珠”号在加勒比海这些酒的情况,已经很久没有人从这经过了。斯旺说,你就是在这躺了三天,在这喝着朗姆酒。Lie on躺着,这里是躺在沙滩上的意思。 声明:本内容为沪江英语原创,严禁转载。
加勒比海盗要吗?[/cn] [en]Gentalmen.The [w]fountain[/w] is the price.[/en][cn]先生们。那泉水就是赏金。[/cn] [en]Mermaid water, that will be our pass.[/en][cn]美人鱼海域,那是我们的必经之路。[/cn] [en]What's your play, Jack?[/en][cn]你在玩什么把戏,Jack?[/cn] [en]I thought she will give it only with taking the ship.[/en][cn]我想她只有在拿到我们的船之后,才会把它交给我们。[/cn] [en]Would you just...stay out of it.[/en][cn]你能不能...别插手。[/cn] [en]There be dangers along the way.[/en][cn]沿途危险重重。[/cn] [en]Firstly
加勒比海盗四美人鱼勾魂曲:My Jolly Sailor Bold
沪江英乐讯 加勒比海盗四中这首美人鱼唱的勾魂曲My Jolly Sailor Bold,有种清冷、寒气逼人的感觉~虽然Gemma的唱功还很生涩~不过小编莫名觉得这首来当晚安曲蛮好的…… Artist:Gemma Ward Song:My Jolly Sailor Bold Upon one summer’s morning, I carefully did stray, Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay, Conversing with a bouncing lass, who seem’d
2011-06-18My Jolly Sailor Bold 加勒比海盗四 美人鱼勾魂曲 Gemma Ward ost 影视原声 加勒比海盗