有的任务,并且发现自己还有自由的时间,你会怎么做?你会怎么利用这些时间? What do you do when you have completed all your tasks at work and find yourself with free time? What do you do with that time? 答:“我从不相信工作中有所谓的自由时间,除非是原本就计划好的适度休息。毕竟,我做工作是拿薪水的,并且必要情况下、我的工作也会包含一些职位描述中所没面试写到的内容。如果我有空闲时间而没有指定的任务,我会看看有没有其他需要做的工作,帮助团队的其他人。” “I have never honestly believed that there is such a thing as “free time” at work, with the exception of planned breaks. After all, I am being paid to do a job, and my job can
2023-07-19 -
面试换了电脑系统。等我回来的时候,每一个系统和程序都变了。一开始,我陷入了恐慌,后来我意识到,我只需要专注于让我自己跟上新的做事方式就行了。一天里,我只花了一部分时间,就研究和学习了重回正轨所需要的知识。最后,我学会了新技能,并对自己的灵活性有了更好的认识。” “Change can be difficult, but it is also an opportunity for a fresh start. I remember a time when the company I worked for completely changed its computer systems while I was away on vacation. I came
2023-07-15 -
使用STAR法,让你讲的每一个故事都能包含那些关键要素。这个方法可以让你的讲述聚焦在情境(S)、任务(T)、行动(A)和结果(R)上。 根据你了解的这家公司想要什么样特质的员工,来调整你的回答。 用你自己的话复述面试官假定的情境,描述在那些情况下你面试想象中的职责是什么,阐述处理这种情况你将采取的行动,并且勾勒出因此能带来的预期结果。 Q34:你能告诉我,你如何定义在这个岗位中的成功吗? Can you tell me how you would define success in this role? 答:“成功不好定义,但是我倾向于认为,当我能让客户满意、让团队满意、为雇用我的公司真正做有价值的贡献,那么我就是成功的。我在这家公司的这个岗位中的时候,我知道当我始终能令人满意,我就是成功
2023-07-22 -
想象中的职责是什么,阐述处理这种情况你将采取的行动,并且勾勒出因此能带来的预期结果。 Q21:如果你发现你的同事或者经理,把你对公司的贡献说成是他自己的功劳,你将怎么做? How would you react if you found out that one of your co-workers or a manager was taking credit for your contributions to the company? 答:“这是一个好面试问题。我希望这种情况永远不会发生,因为我倾向于认为是团队的功劳。然而同时,我发现这样的事情的确会发生,有可能是故意的、也可能是无意的。这也是为什么我总是用文件记录我所做的努力,这既是对自己的行为负责,也是为了确保我符合公司的价值预期。” “That's a good question. Hopefully, that would never occur, since I like to think that we all share credit as a team. At the same time, however, I recognize that things like
2023-06-29 -
面试得有必要把这件事情汇报给他们的上级。我也会尽快与客户聊一聊,并就此事向他道歉。” “It would depend upon the severity of the abuse, I imagine. If it were just a poor choice of words, I would try to talk to them in private. If it were outright hostility and severe, I would likely feel compelled to report the incident to their supervisor. I would also try to talk to the customer and apologize for the incident as soon as possible.”
2023-06-21 -
Since then, I have come to realize that finding the right home-work balance helps to minimize any chances of burnout while enabling me to be even more focused and productive during my working hours.” 制胜英语面试 【适合对象】: 1.谋求在跨国企业获取晋升和其它职业发展机会的在职白领; 2.希望在英语国家生活和工作的海外留学生; 3.计划参加大型企业校招面试的在校学生; 4.面临择业和求职面试调整的应届毕业生; 5.大学四级左右及以上水平的英语学习爱好者 扫码制胜英语面试↓
2023-05-08 -
想象中的职责是什么,阐述处理这种情况你将采取的行动,并且勾勒出因此能带来的预期结果。 Q27:如果你要完美地完成一项任务就只能很慢,或者快速完成任务但只能勉强过关,你会选择哪种?为什么? If you could only do something perfectly well but slow or just do an adequate job and do it fast, which would you opt for—and why? 答:“杰出很重要,所以我希望专注于尽快尽可能好地完成它。然而,这最终取决于领导和客户的需求。如果时效比完美更重要,那么我就会把我追求完面试美的渴望放在一边,做需要做的事情。” “Excellence matters, so I would hope that I would focus on getting it right as quickly as possible. Ultimately, though, it would depend on what management and the customer needs. If time matters more than perfection, then I can set aside my desire for perfection and do what is needed.”
2023-07-16 -
面试想象中的职责是什么,阐述处理这种情况你将采取的行动,并且勾勒出因此能带来的预期结果。 Q24:如果因为出现了一个不可预期的变化因素、你需要重做一个项目的一大部分,你会怎么做? How would you proceed if you had to redo a large portion of a project due to an unexpected change in the parameters? 答:“首先,我会评估项目需要以及在规定期限内重做这部分工作所需要的工作量。如果我的团队资源不足以完成这一目标,我将会找经理寻求更多的帮助。” “First, I would evaluate the project's needs and estimate the amount of effort needed to redo it while still meeting the deadline. If my team did not have the resources to accomplish the goal, I would meet with management to see about
2023-07-08 -
面试想象中的职责是什么,阐述处理这种情况你将采取的行动,并且勾勒出因此能带来的预期结果。 为客户做很多事情、甚至远远超过你的工作职责所需,你是如何看待这种情况的? How do you feel about going above and beyond for a customer, even though it might mean putting in far more effort than your job requires? 答:“我的观点是,任何工作的核心要求是满足客户的需要。有时候,必然要付出超出工作职责的努力。只要我需要做的工作是公司所期望、认可的,我会全面做好准备、根据实际情况的需要尽自己最大的努力。” “My view is that the core job requirement in any position is meeting the customer's needs. Sometimes, that necessarily involves giving more effort than the job duties might suggest. As long as the effort I need to give is in line with the company's desired approach, I am fully on board with going as high above and as far beyond as the situation demands.”
2023-05-09 -
面试想象中的职责是什么,阐述处理这种情况你将采取的行动,并且勾勒出因此能带来的预期结果。 Q20:如果你提供了一个解决问题的可靠建议,但你的同事忽略了,你会怎么办? How would you react if you offered a reliable suggestion for fixing a problem, and your colleagues ignored your input? 答:“如果我已经尽可能地说清楚我的方案了,但他们还是选择了另一种方案,那么我就要接受这一结果。也许是他们的方案可以产生和我的方案一样好的结果。然而,如果他们的方案有局限性,或者不能成功,那么我将准备好再次介绍我的想法。因为解决问题才是我们共同都想实现的目标。” “If I made my case as compellingly as possible and they chose to go in a different direction, then I would have to accept that outcome. It may just be that their solution can work just