• [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】除了音乐其它都很好

    A keen young teacher wanted to introduce her class to the glories of classical music, so she arranged an outing to an afternoon concert.一位热心的年轻教师想让她的学生多了解一点优秀的古典...

    2016-10-13 20:33
  • [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】我妹妹的手指头

    My Sister's Fingers我妹妹的手指头 Teacher: Kevin, why are you late this time?老师:凯温,这次你怎么又迟到了? Kevin: Please sir, I bruised two fingers knocking in a nail at hom...

    2016-10-12 20:31
  • [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】奶奶再次举行婚礼

    "So you want another day off,”snorted the teacher to his student,Tom.“这么说,你又要请一天假,”老师怒气冲冲地对他的学生汤姆说 “I am anxious to hear what ...

    2016-10-12 20:15
  • [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】冻得硬邦邦的猪肉

    The Climate of New Zealand新西兰的气候 Teacher: Matthew, what is the climate of New Zealand?老师:马修,新西兰的气候怎么样? Matthew: Very Cold, sir.马修:先生,那里的天气很冷。 ...

    2016-10-11 20:28
  • [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】这是一只多么可爱的乌龟

    Three turtles decided to have a cup of coffee.三只乌龟决定去喝咖啡。 Just as they got into the cafe, it started to rain.它们刚到咖啡店的门口,就下起雨来。 The biggest turtle said ...

    2016-10-11 20:25
  • [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】是speak还是spell?

    刚来加拿大的时候去买快餐,英文很烂我就说i want combo one,(大号的)后来那个人又说了一大堆英文问我要洋葱cheese(奶酪)么之类的?我听不懂就一个劲说i want combo one, 后来我看见那个人像中...

    2016-05-08 23:16
  • [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】要几分熟

    有个朋友来加拿大第一次去吃牛排,服务员问How would you like your steak done? 我朋友没听懂,就听别人点的时候说medium , 他就想“我不能跟他们学” 他就跟服务员说,large plea...

    2016-05-08 23:12
  • [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】paper与tissue

    刚来的时候去麦当劳吃饭 没有餐巾 然后跟人说要paper。 那人过会给我拿来了张白纸 还问do you need a pen?(还要笔吗?) 我狂晕了半天 然后去厕所洗手的 注:paper是纸,餐巾纸应该是tiss...

    2016-05-08 23:08
  • [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】坐taxi要分国籍?

    第一次打电话叫TAXI...... 对方问where you from..... 我回答CHINA,还在奇怪叫taxi还分国籍~ ?对方可能以为我在搞 笑,很郁闷的说 sorry, we can not do that(抱歉我们去不了)..... ...

    2016-05-08 23:04
  • [英语阅读] 【每日一乐】到底吃没吃

    有次房东问我 did u eat anything yet? (你吃饭了吗? 我说no.(没吃) 她听后重复了一遍 so you didn’t eat anything. (所以你还没吃饭) 我说 yes...(吃了) 房东老太太...

    2016-05-08 23:01