• [英语听力] 奥巴马演讲:助美国企业成功(4/4)

    内容简介:奥巴马1月14日演讲,关于国民生产。更新时间:一周三——四期听写形式:全文听写Hints:BusinessUSAMade in AmericaOne place where entrepreneurs can go from the day they come up with an idea a...

    2012-01-19 11:00
  • [英语听力] 奥巴马演讲:助美国企业成功(4/4)

    内容简介:奥巴马1月14日演讲,关于国民生产。更新时间:一周三——四期听写形式:全文听写Hints:BusinessUSAMade in AmericaOne place where entrepreneurs can go from the day they come up with an idea a

    2012-01-19 11:00
  • [英语听力] 奥巴马演讲:助美国企业成功(3/4)

    内容简介:奥巴马1月14日演讲,关于国民生产。更新时间:一周三——四期听写形式:全文听写Hints:CongressExecutive BranchRonald ReaganOver the years, the needs of Americans have changed, but our gover...

    2012-01-18 11:00
  • [英语听力] 奥巴马演讲:助美国企业成功(2/4)

    内容简介:奥巴马1月14日演讲,关于国民生产。更新时间:一周三——四期听写形式:全文听写Hint:CongressThese are CEOs who take pride in hiring people here in America, not just because it's increasing...

    2012-01-17 10:02
  • [英语听力] 奥巴马演讲:助美国企业成功(1/4)

    内容简介:奥巴马1月14日演讲,关于国民生产。更新时间:一周三——四期听写形式:全文听写Hint:Made in AmericaAs you can see, I brought a few things with me for this week’s video, a padlock, a pair ...

    2012-01-16 11:00
  • [英语听力] 奥巴马演讲:新年再创经济持续增长(3/3)

    内容简介:奥巴马1月7日演讲,关于新年经济目标。更新时间:一周三期听写形式:全文听写Hints:Richard Republicans in the SenateEvery day, his sole mission is to protect consumers from p...

    2012-01-11 11:00
  • [英语听力] 奥巴马演讲:新年再创经济持续增长(2/3)

    内容简介:奥巴马1月7日演讲,关于新年经济目标。更新时间:一周三期听写形式:全文听写Hints: Insourcing American JobsRichard CordrayWe're heading in the right direction. And w...

    2012-01-10 11:00
  • [英语听力] 总统任命新任消费者保护局局长(2/2)

    概述:总统奥巴马任命理查德•科德雷为消费者保护局局长,此次任命受到好评也引来指责。Hints: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell RepublicanConsumer Financial Protection Bureau Dodd-Frank Wall Stre

    2012-01-09 22:00
  • [英语听力] 总统任命新任消费者保护局局长(2/2)

    概述:总统奥巴马任命理查德•科德雷为消费者保护局局长,此次任命受到好评也引来指责。Hints: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell RepublicanConsumer Financial Protection Bureau Dodd-Frank Wall Stre...

    2012-01-09 22:00
  • [英语听力] 奥巴马演讲:新年再创经济持续增长(1/3)

    内容简介:奥巴马1月7日演讲,关于新年经济目标。更新时间:一周三期听写形式:全文听写Hints: Cleveland, OhioHappy New Year, everybody. This week, I traveled to Cleveland, Ohi...

    2012-01-09 11:00