
attain They fought against the tyranny to attain freedom. awe We feel awe when we stand near vast mountains. commence The ceremony will commence as soon as the minister arrives. conceit Her conceit about her beauty angered many people. dismiss He was dismissed from the company because he was always late for work. glisten Her eyes glistened with tears as she struggled to control her emotions. grab The dog grabbed the bone and ran off with it in his mouth. hearty We gave our old friends a hearty welcome. kin All our kin came to the family reunion. peep The girls peeped at the guests through the partly opened door. realm The queen visited every town in her realm.
attain v.获得 他们对抗专政以获得自由。 awe n.敬畏 当我们站在高山旁,便感到敬畏。 commence v.开始 部长一到典礼就开始。 conceit n.自负 她对自己的美丽感到自负,这惹怒了许多人。 dismiss v.解雇 他因为上班老是迟到而被公司解雇。 glisten v.闪烁 当她努力控制情感时,眼中闪烁着泪光。 grab v.抢夺 那狗抢了骨头,叼在嘴里逃跑了。 hearty adj.热诚的 我们给老友热诚的欢迎。 kin n.亲戚 我们所有的亲戚都回到家中团聚。 peep v.窥视 女孩子从半开的门中窥视客人。 realm n.国土;领域 女王访视她国土内所有的城市。