
anticipate Mother anticipated my hunger and baked cookies for me. aspire In his childhood, he aspired to become a great general. attorney The court appointed an attorney for the accused man. counsel They refused to listen to the old man's counsel. They counseled against travelling at night in such a dangerous country. falter The soldiers faltered for a moment as their captain fell. The sick man faltered for few steps, and then fell down. ghastly After a sleepless night, she looked very ghastly. gratitude She showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner. plume The rooster lost one of his plumes in the fight with the cat. promote The young army officer was promoted to captain. An understanding of the culture of other countries may promote peace. shudder She shuddered at the sight of the dead body. swamp The land is useless growing crops; it's mainly swamp. terrific The terrific storm destroyed most of the houses in the city. It was such a terrific party that I didn't feel like going back home. villain The villain was caught by the police and brought to trial.
anticipate v.预期 妈妈预料到我会饿,所以为我做了些饼。 aspire v.渴望 在童年时代,他渴望成为一名伟大的将军。 attorney n.律师 法庭为被告指定了一位律师。 counsel 1.n.忠告 2.v.劝告 他们拒绝听从那老人的忠告。 他们劝告说勿在这个危险的国家夜游。 falter v.1.动摇;胆怯 2.蹒跚而行 当他们的连长倒下时,士兵的信心动摇了一会儿。 病人蹒跚地走了一两步,然后就跌倒了。 ghastly adj.可怕的 经过一个无眠的夜晚,她看起来非常可怕。 gratitude n.感激 她邀请我吃晚饭,以此来表达她对我的感激。 plume n.羽毛 雄鸡在这次与猫的战斗中掉了一支羽毛。 promote v.1.升迁 2.促进 这名年轻的陆军军官晋升为连长。 了解其他国家的文化可以增进和平。 shudder v.战栗 看到尸体使他战栗。 swamp n.沼泽 这块土地无法生长作物;它主要是沼泽。 terrific adj.1.可怕的 2.极好的 可怕的暴风雪毁掉了城里的大部分房子。 这宴会太好了,以致于我都不想回家了。 13.Villain n.恶棍 这恶棍被警方逮捕并交付审判。