
cite He cited a paragraph from the book to prove his statement. esteem All his friends held him in high esteem, for he was very sincere and diligent. grumble He was always grumbling about his low salary. hideous The old woman had such a hideous face that the girls couldn't even get close to her. loiter She loitered along the street, looking into all the show windows. rip She ripped her stocking on a sharp nail. specs She has very poor eyesight; she can read nothing without her specs. threshold Scientists are now on the threshold of a better understanding of how the human brain works. token All the family wore black as a token of their grief. traitor The traitor sold our important military secrets to enemy. uphold The judge upheld the decision of the lower court. yawn He yawned several times during the lecture; he was not interested in it.
cite v.引用 他从这本书里引用了一段话来证明他的声明。 esteem n.尊敬 他的朋友都很尊敬他,因为他很诚恳而且勤勉。 grumble v.抱怨 他总是抱怨他的薪水太低。 hideous adj.丑恶的 这位老妇人的面孔长得如此丑恶,以致于女孩们都不敢接近她。 loiter v.闲荡 她沿街闲逛,看所有的橱窗摆设。 rip v.撕开 她的袜子被一根锐利的钉子挂破了。 specs n.眼镜 她的视力很差,没有眼镜她就什么也读不了。 threshold n.开端;人口 科学家对于人类智慧如何运用现在已开始有了较进一步的了解。 token n.象征 全家人穿黑衣以表示哀悼。 traitor n.卖国贼 这卖国贼把我方重要的军事秘密卖给敌人。 uphold v.支持;确认 法官确认下级法院的决定。 yawn v.打呵气 这堂课上他打了好几次呵气;他对这课不感兴趣。