
allotte The profits from the candy sale have been allotted equally to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts. banner The banners of many countries fly outside of the headquarters of the United Nations. cliff Standing at the edge of the cliff, she could see the waves below. crook I crooked my leg around the branch to keep from falling. ensue In his anger he hit the man, and a fight ensued. gap The cows ran away through a gap in the fence. hoard They have a hoard of food in the basement. When sugar, coffee, and other foods are scarce, many people hoard them. marsh It is not easy to cross the marsh on foot, we'd better go round it. moan From time to time, during the night, there was a moan of pain from the sick man. The sick child moaned a little, and then fell asleep. notorious The notorious thief was finally caught and put to prison for his many crimes. sermon After the guests left, father gave a sermon on table manners to the children. site The big house on the hill has one of the best sites in town. suppress The police suppressed the riot by firing over the heads of the crowd.
allotte v.分配 销售糖果的所得已公平地分配给男女童子军。 banner n.旗帜 许多国家的国旗飘扬在联合国总部的外面。 cliff n.悬崖 她站在悬崖的边缘,可以看到下面的波涛。 crook v.钩 我用脚钩住树枝以免跌落。 ensue v.随之而起 他在愤怒之下打了那人,一场争斗随之而起。 gap n.缺口 母牛从篱笆的缺口处逃跑了。 hoard n.贮藏 v.囤积 地下室里有他们贮藏的食物。 当糖、咖啡和其他食物缺乏时,许多人便囤积它们。 marsh n.沼泽 想徒步穿越沼泽是不容易的,我们最好绕道走。 moan n.呻吟声 v.呻吟 夜晚有时候会传来病人痛苦地呻吟声。 这个生病的孩子呻吟了一会便睡着了。 notorious adj.恶名昭彰的 恶名昭彰的小偷终于被捕了,且因许多项罪行而坐牢。 sermon n.说教 客人离开后,孩子们听父亲讲了一大篇关于餐桌礼仪的教训。 site n.位置 山丘上的那幢大房子处在城里最好的位置之一。 suppress v.施压 警察在群众头顶上开枪,以镇压暴动。