
The warm-hearted neighbor ______ take care of the little girl when her parents were on business,
and they appreciated it very much.
A. should B. could C. would D. might

答案 C

You______ any money on the software. It was available at
for free.
A. needn’t have spent B. needn’t spend
C. needn’t to spend D. don’t need spend

答案 A

–Any information about your son?
-- No. If only I _____ those tough words to him.
A. didn’t say B. hadn't said
C. shouldn’t have said D. couldn’t have said

答案 B

—Hello, is Helen in?
—Sorry, she ______ come to the phone right now because she is getting changed.
A. won’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t

答案 C

He has much money at the beginning of every month, but by the end of it he ______ little left.
A. can have B. will have C. should have D. must have

答案 A

They must have enjoyed themselves there, otherwise they ______ so long.
A. can’t have stayed B. wouldn’t have stayed
C. can’t stay D. wouldn’t stay

答案 B

Being constantly exposed to advertisements is annoying, but it ______ be pleasant
A. shall B. need C. must D. can

答案 D

The situation has become extremely tense. A war _____ break out between the two sides.
A. shall B. will C. must D. could

答案 D

You can’t imagine that the mayor who led a simple life ________ be a person guilty of corruption.
A. might B. need C. should D. would

答案 D

10.(江苏省六合高级中学 2010届高三第一次调研考试)
--- We _____ as well go straight home. There’s nothing better to do.
--- OK, though I hate to do so.
A. might B. can C. should D. must

答案 A

You ______ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.
A. needn't have seen B. must have seen
C. might have seen D. can't have seen

答案 D

--- Did you punish him for that?
--- Yes, but I don’t think I ______.
A. should have done so B. need to have done so
C. should do that D. ought have done that

答案 A

Alice ______ a good salary in a job but she stayed at home for the sake of her family.
A. must take B. should have made C. would make D. could have made

答案 D

A mature individual is one who can see a problem from all sides. In fact, those who cannot or ______ not apologize are not truly mature people.
A. may B. will C. must D. could

答案 B

-Who are the teenagers gathering at the school gate?
-Well, if you _____ know, they are all my visiting students.
A. shall   B. can   C. may   D. must

答案 D

Can you imagine that a smart man like him_____ make such a stupid mistake?
A. might      B. should      C. would      D. need

答案 B

--- Can I pay the bill by cheque?
--- Sorry, sir. But it is the management rules of our school that payment ______ be made in
A. shall B. need C. will D. can

答案 A

The lesson drawn from the coal mine accidents is that safety measures are so important that we
_____ take them too seriously.
A .can’t B. should C .mustn’t D. shall

答案 A

---I didn’t take notes at yesterday’s meeting because I had left my pen at home.
---You _____ mine. I _____ it.
A.must have borrowed; wasn’t using B.may have borrowed; didn’t use
C.could have borrowed; wasn’t using D.should have borrowed; hadn’t used

答案 C

—I didn’t know you were good friends .
—You ______. I have known her since she moved here. You were studying abroad
A. may have B. needn’t have C. couldn’t have D. must have

答案 C

-- I missed the first part of the film. It was really a pity.
--You ______ home half an hour earlier.
A. should have left B. must have left
C. should leave D. must leave

答案 A

Jack fell off a ladder yesterday but he’s all right.He’s lucky.He ______ hurt himself badly.
A.might B.could have C.would D.should have
答案 B
-- Isn’t it Ann’s husband over there?
-- No, it ______ be him---I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.
A. can’t B. must not C. won’t D may not

答案 A

---Can I keep the book any longer?
---Yes, but it _______ be renewed when time is due.
A. shall B. need C. will D. can

答案 A

--- Is it Tom that playing basketball?
--- It _____ be him. He is so crazy about basketball.
A. might B. should C. can D. would

答案 B

—Who _____ it be that is knocking at the door?
--It _____ be father, but I’m not sure.
A. can, may B. may,can C. may,must D. need, should

答案 A

---I have looked for my lost pen everywhere, but I just can’t find it.
---I think that you _______ have left it at home.
A. should B. must C. can D. need

答案 B

—Mike is often absent from class.
—Tell him he _______ answer for it if he goes on behaving like that.
A. shall B. will C. would D. must

答案 A

Where ______ the old man have been? He has been missing more than twelve hours.
A. might B. may C. could D. must

答案 C

--- No wonder you caught a cold. You _____ out last night without a coat.
--- I know how silly I was.
A. shouldn’t have gone B. mustn’t have gone
C. couldn’t have gone D. mightn’t have gone

答案 D