• 伊丽莎白泰勒十大名言回顾:我有一颗孩子的心

    美国著名影星、迈克杰克逊的红颜知己伊丽莎白泰勒逝世,终年79岁。她一生个性张扬,毫不掩饰自己对珠宝的热爱、对幸福的追求,让我们一起来看看她的十大名言,感受这个好莱坞巨星的风采。 [en]1. Big girls need big diamonds.[/en][cn]大女孩需要大钻石。[/cn] [en]2. Everything makes me nervous - except making films.[/en][cn]一切都让我紧张——除了拍电影。[/cn] [en]3. I've only slept with men I've been married to. How many women can make that claim?[/en][cn]我只和我的丈夫睡过觉。有多少女人敢这么说?[/cn] [en]4. I don't pretend to be an ordinary housewife.[/en][cn]我从不假装自己是普通的家庭主妇。[/cn] [en]5. I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I'm not afraid to look behind them.[/en][cn]我是一个很有冒险精神的人。有那么多门等着人开启,而我,从不害怕看门背后的东西。[/cn] [en]6. I have a woman's body and a child's emotions.[/en][cn]我有一个女人的身体和一颗孩子的心。[/cn] [en]7. I've always admitted that I'm ruled by my passions.[/en][cn]我一直都承认我被自己的情绪所控制。[/cn] [en]8. Marriage is a great institution.[/en][cn]婚姻是一所好大学。[/cn] [en]9. My mother says I didn't open my eyes for eight days after I was born, but when I did, the first thing I saw was an engagement ring. I was hooked.[/en][cn]我妈妈说,我出生后8天没有睁眼。而当我一睁开我看到的是一枚订婚戒指。我是被迷伊丽莎白住了。[/cn] [en]10. So much to do, so little done, such things to be.[/en][cn]那么多事情要做、那么多事情没有做成。这就是人生啊。[/cn]

  • 玩转伊丽莎白 剧情精彩舞台华丽

    大概就是音乐、舞蹈和演技的力量吧! Tips: 1. Get prepared for the tragedy. 2. Do some research to learn about the story before going to the theatre. 3. If you have bought the aisle seats in the first few rows in the stall, then congratulations, you will have the chance to interact with Luigi (the one who killed Elisabeth) and possibly get a small gift from him. 小贴士: 1、做好准备,故事悲剧走向。 2、去剧院之前稍微查查资料,了解一下故事背景。 3、如果座

  • 伊丽莎白泰勒入土为安 与迈克尔杰克逊同一陵园


  • 林赛•罗韩确认出演“玉婆”伊丽莎白•泰勒

    [w]incident[/w]. She told her: "I'm pleased to say she's done it all. Just keep doing what you're doing, you appear to be doing it well. The probation officer has written a [w]favourable[/w] report, as has the [w]volunteer[/w] centre." 沪江娱乐快讯:好莱坞重量级的明星“玉婆”伊丽莎白·泰勒在2011年不幸辞世。这位传奇性的女性可谓好莱坞史上最闪耀的一颗明星

  • 历史的脚步:英国女王伊丽莎白二世加冕(视频)

    也有相当一段时间是在苏格兰的巴尔莫勒尔城堡度过的。 伊丽莎白女王是历史上外访最多的国君。1953年至1954年她和菲利浦花了半年时间周游世界,她也成为第一个访问澳大利亚、新西兰和斐济的在位君主。1957年10月她对美国做了国事访问,1959年则又访问了加拿大。1961年她首次访问印度和巴基斯坦。她访问国大多数欧洲国家和许多欧洲以外的地区,并经常出席英联邦首脑会议。    伊丽莎白在宗教、道德标准和家庭事务上非常保守。她对待宗教责任十分严肃,并将她的加冕誓言看得很重。这是为什么她不太可能退位的原因之一。像她的母亲一样,伊丽莎白女王从来没有原谅爱德华八世选择退位,因为在她看来他抛弃了自己的职责,并迫使自己的父亲负担其这个责任,而这一责任又被视为是缩短其父亲寿命的罪魁祸首。   进入小组查看更多精彩内容>>> 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江英语"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。 沪江网校夏季课程上线,足不出户,和沪江网校一起天天向上,共同进步吧! 2010年12月CET【四级暑期特训班】 2010年12月CET【六级暑期特训班】

  • 玉婆人生最后的采访:你所不知道的伊丽莎白泰勒

    该去上上啦。[/cn] [en]20. In my twenties, I nearly lost my eye and my leg. Still have them both, tee hee.[/en] [cn]20来岁的时候差点少一只眼睛少一条腿。还好现在都在。[/cn] [en]21. Nerves are the nemesis of all actors.[/en] [cn]紧张是演员的天敌。[/cn] [en]22. I hate being called Liz, because it can sound like such a hiss.[/en] [cn]好烦被人叫丽萃哦,听着跟吸了口冷气一样。[/cn] [en]23. I believe you can be close to God anywhere.[/en] [cn]无论走到哪里,都能与上帝接近。[/cn] [en]24. My dog Delilah is in love with my cat Fang. To each his own.[/en] [cn]我的狗狗黛利拉爱上了我的猫牙牙。青菜萝卜,各有所爱啊。[/cn] [en]25. My family and people with HIV/AIDS are my life.[/en] [cn]我的家人和所有艾滋病患者,是我生命关心的全部。[/cn]

  • 传世倾情:伊丽莎白•泰勒&理查德•伯顿的爱情之旅

    伊丽莎白泰勒的八段传奇婚姻(组图) 【巨星相惜】MJ生前献歌伊丽莎白泰勒(含歌词) 伊丽莎白

  • 伊丽莎白传记电影演员敲定:林赛•罗韩出演“玉婆”

    Lindsay Lohan will be making her return to acting in a big way! The 25-year-old actress is confirmed to star in the Lifetime [w]Original[/w] Movie, Liz & Dick, as one of the most famous and celebrated stars of all time, Elizabeth Taylor.Liz & Dick is based on the true story of Taylor's roller coaster [w]romance[/w] with actor Richard Burton. “I have always admired and had [w]enormous[/w] respect for Elizabeth Taylor," Lohan said in a statement to Us Weekly. "She was not only an [w]incredible[/w] actress but an amazing woman as well. I am very honored to have been asked to play this role.” Lohan's last leading role was in 2009's Labor Pains. Taylor -- who passed away at age 79 in March 2011 -- and Burton's love [w]affair[/w] (aka "the marriage of the [w]century[/w]") was highly publicized in the press. The two stars left their spouses after they met on the set of Cleopatra in 1963, married and divorced ten years later. They remarried in October 1975 only to [w]divorce[/w] again in August 1976. Lohan was taken off [w]probation[/w] from her 2007 Beverly Hills DUI case on March 29. Though that case is now behind her, the Mean Girls star will remain on her probation for her necklace [w]theft[/w] until May 24, 2014. Still, Lohan will return to work and Rob Sharenow, [w]Executive[/w] Vice President, Programming, of Lifetime Networks is excited to have her take on the role of Taylor. “We are thrilled Lindsay will portray beloved Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor,” Sharenow said in a statement to Us. “She is one of the rare actresses who possesses the [w]talent[/w], beauty and intrigue to [w]capture[/w] the spirit of such a provocative icon.” 沪江娱乐快讯:世人们见证了伊丽莎白与理查德间如同云霄飞车般跌宕起伏的爱情故事,而两人间不可否认的爱情也是无数人梦想能够得到的。Lifetime频道副主席罗伯·沙尔沃说:“我们非常高兴林赛可以扮演这位广受人们喜爱的好莱坞传奇女星伊丽莎白·泰勒。很少有演员能拥有足够的才华,美貌,机智以胜任扮演这位巨星的重任,林赛就是其中一个。”但是这边小编要加一句:就林赛现在这个状态,能够胜任这个重任么?

  • 巨星相惜!MJ生前献歌伊丽莎白泰勒(含歌词)

    这是一个与巨星告别的时代。好莱坞影坛的常青树伊丽莎白·泰勒离伊丽莎白我们而去了。不禁想到当初MJ为她所作所唱的这一首Elizabeth, I Love You,如今两位巨星都遥在天堂,这一首歌听来格外伤怀。 "Elizabeth, I Love You" Welcome to Hollywood That's what they told you A child star in Hollywood That's what they sold you Grace with beauty, charm and talent You would do what you were told