• 犯罪专业英语每日一词(七)

    7.[en]agricrime[/en] 农业犯罪 [双语解释][en]Sort for agricultural crime. The theft of crops and /or farm equipment.[/en][cn]“agricultural crime”的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。[/cn] 例句:[en]Farmers are losing thousands of dollars each year due to agricrime.[/en][cn]每年农业犯罪给农场主造成了成千上万美元的损失。 [/cn]

  • 犯罪专业英语每日一词(一)

    1.[en]tax evasion[/en] [cn]逃税[/cn] [双语解释][en]The illegal attempt by a taxpayer to avoid paying his or her taxes.[/en][cn]纳税人企图逃避纳税的非法行为。[/cn] 例句:[en]Bill was found guilty of tax evasion and owes the IRS over $60,000 in back taxes.[/en][cn]比尔被判逃税罪,他现在仍欠国内收入局六万多美元的滞纳税金。[/cn]

  • 犯罪专业英语每日一词(九)

    9.[en]arrest warrant[/en][cn]逮捕证[/cn] [双语解释][en]A document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime. [/en][cn]对被指控犯罪的某人实施搜捕的文件。[/cn] 例句:[en]The court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect. [/en][cn]法庭对这个嫌疑人发出了逮捕证。[/cn]

  • 犯罪专业英语每日一词(十一)

    11.[en]assassin[/en] [cn]暗杀者[/cn] [双语解释][en]A murderer. A person who sets out to kill someone, esp. a prominent person.[/en][cn]谋杀者。密谋杀害他人,特别是一位杰出人物的凶手。[/cn] 例句:[en]Police are still looking for the assassin of the president candidate. [/en][cn]警方仍在追查暗杀总统候选人的凶手。[/cn]

  • 犯罪专业英语每日一词(六)

    6.[en]accomplice[/en] [cn]同案犯[/cn] [双语解释][en]Any person who takes part in a crime[/en][cn]参与犯罪的每个人[/cn] 例句:[en]Tony was found to be an accomplice in the crime.[/en][cn]人们发现托尼是该案的同案犯。[/cn]

  • 犯罪专业英语每日一词(十)

    10.[en]arson[/en] [cn]纵火[/cn] [双语解释][en]The crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire. [/en][cn]故意放火毁坏财产的犯罪。[/cn] 例句:[en]Police think the fire that burned down the old warehouse was an act of arson. [/en][cn]警察怀疑这座仓库的大火是纵火行为所致。[/cn]

  • 犯罪专业英语每日一词(二十九)

    29.[en]career criminal[/en] [cn]职业罪犯[/cn] [双语解释][en]A person who makes a living from crime.[/en][cn]以犯罪为生的人。[/cn] 例句:[en]John was a career criminal until the day he got caught in the home of a policeman.[/en][cn]约翰是位职业罪犯,直到一天他在一个警察家里被抓获。[/cn]

  • 犯罪专业英语每日一词(十五)

    15.[en]ballistics[/en] [cn]弹道学[/cn] [双语解释][en]The science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets.[/en][cn]研究火器及子弹运动的科学。[/cn] 例句:[en]A ballistics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime.[/en][cn]一位弹道学家正在犯罪现场提取证据。[/cn]

  • 犯罪专业英语每日一词(八)

    8.[en]armed robbery[/en] [cn]武装抢劫[/cn] [双语解释][en]The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party. [/en][cn]夺取或试图夺取他人或他方财物时使用致命武器的犯罪行为。[/cn] 例句:[en]Did you read about the armed robbery in this morning's paper? [/en][cn]今早的报纸上报道了这次武装抢劫,你读了吗?[/cn]