
4. Fiat: "Life Is Best When Driven"
Agency: Doner
Launch date: Sept. 12
Views: 27.4 million

Sales of the cute and nostalgic Fiat 500 have been disappointing, but ads starring Jennifer Lopez on what's portrayed as her "block" have reached critical mass on the web. The "Papi" ad introduced on Monday Night Football, illustrates the enduring power of her celebrity. Then again, a fair number of views might have come from people curious about what many have called one of the worst car ads in recent memory. 
菲亚特500(Fiat 500)的销量的确让人失望,但大牌Jennifer Lopez为其拍摄的广告在互联网上的点击率却相当惊人。当“Papi”的音乐在周一夜晚转播的美式橄榄球节目前响起时,再次证明了这位大牌的超凡魅力。不过话说回来,高点击率不只代表好评如潮,各方的评价让它成为了本年度最差的汽车广告。
