
2. T-Mobile: Royal Wedding
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, London
Launch date: April 12
Views: 28.4 million

Brands rarely act fast enough to jump on a cultural phenomenon and create a meme, but since William and Kate's event had a date, T-Mobile had time. The royal lookalikes video was released a few weeks before the nuptials and added to a T-Mobile legacy that includes such huge hits as "T-Mobile Dance" at London's Liverpool Station. 
如果广告能做到天时地利与人和,那这支广告一定是广告中的航空母舰!一般广告很难对热点的文化大事做出最快的反应,但是自从威廉王子大婚之日既定,T-Mobile就有足够的时间筹划大计。结果就是这支以假乱真的皇家婚礼的广告横空出世。它在庄严婚礼举行的前几周就上线了,同时原创的”T-Mobile Dance”也博得众人争相模仿!
